
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Duncan, Anne. "Kith," poem. Permafrost, 2022. Publications, Short Stories and Poems
Duncan, Anne. “Pacing the Museum: Review of Out of Speech,” 32 Poems, 2019. Publications, Reviews
“Now That’s Poetry: Vito Acconci, Conceptual Writing, and Poetic Nominalism.” Inciting Poetics: Thinking and Writing Poetry, ed. Jeanne Heuving and Tyrone Williams. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2019. 192-224. Publications, Book Chapters
Lin, Hsinmei.  "Epilepsy and The Gift: Van Gogh's and Whitman's Starry Nights." Walt Whitman Quarterly Review, vol. 36, no. 2, 2019, pp. 179-201. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Another Dimension: Sweeney Reed’s Visual Poetics.” Antipodes 32.1-2 (2018): 195-208 Publications, Essays and Articles
“Stanisław Dróżdż: From Conceptual Poem to Concept-Shape.” Jacket2. University of Pennsylvania. 5 February 2016. Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
Jessica Burstein, “Visual Art,” The Cambridge Companion to Modernist Culture, ed. Celia Marshik (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015), 145-65. Publications, Book Chapters
“On Mary Ellen Solt’s ‘Forsythia.’” Coldfront. 9 November 2015. Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
Jessica Burstein, Cold Modernism: Literature, Fashion, Art (Penn State University Press, 2012) Publications, Books
Bauer, Meri. "Review of Exhibiting Blackness: African Americans and the American Art Museum by Bridget R. Cooks." The Black Scholar 42.2 (2012). 61-62 Publications, Reviews
Land’s End and Periscope (Hart Crane).” Jasper Johns: Seeing with the Mind’s Eye. San Francisco: San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, 2012. 94-98. Publications, Book Chapters
“‘Footprints of a Wild Ballet’: The Poem-Paintings of Frank O’Hara and Norman Bluhm.” Frank O’Hara Now: New Essays on the New York Poet, ed. Robert Hampson and Will Montgomery. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2010. 211-28. Publications, Book Chapters
“Hand in Hand: Jasper Johns and Hart Crane.” Modernism/modernity 17.1 (January 2010): 21-45. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Hard Going: Resisting the Fantasy of Distance’s Irrelevance.” Hyperrhiz no.7 (Spring 2010). Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
“‘Lost Already Walking’: Caroline Bergvall’s ‘Via.’” Jacket no.34 (October 2007). Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “Racial Aura: Walter Benjamin and the Work of Art in a Biotechnological Age.” Literature and Medicine, Vol 26.1 (Spring 2007): 207-239. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Twentieth-century Poetry and the New York Art World.” A Concise Companion to Twentieth-century American Poetry, ed. Stephen Fredman. Oxford: Blackwell, 2005. 113-34. Publications, Book Chapters
Situating El Lissitzky: Vitebsk, Berlin, Moscow, ed. Nancy Perloff and Brian Reed. Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute, 2003. Publications, Edited Collections
"The Skyscraper's Unseeing Eyes: Louis Sullivan, Nella Larsen, and Racial Formalism,” American Literature Publications, Essays and Articles
"The Skyscraper's Unseeing Eyes: Louis Sullivan, Nella Larsen, and Racial Formalism," American Literature, in revise-towards-acceptance stage Publications, Essays and Articles