Endorsement Requirements

Endorsement in Critical Instruction: Requirements

Getting started:

·             Email a letter of intent to Critical Classrooms Steering Committee

·             Attend Critical Classrooms (CC) Information Session or Introductory Meeting

·             Establish a mentor/point person (initially, one of the 109/110 ADs, or fellow CC member)



·             Observe another CC TA’s or faculty member’s classroom and submit a brief reflection to your mentor and the program that links to CC’s goals (the observation and reflection should focus on issues of power in the classroom)

·             Invite a new CC member, CC mentor, or faculty mentor to observe your classroom (and submit their reflection)

·             Contribute two teaching materials—a syllabus, lesson plan, assignment prompt, activity, or teaching philosophy—along with a framing statement to online CC archive

·             Attend four CC workshops. You are welcome to petition that a workshop or training outside of CC that addresses the goals of the certificate program count

·             Plan and lead one CC workshop or event (reading groups, socials, etc.); may be collaboratively-led

·             Take on a leadership project (e.g. help maintain CC online archive, mentor an endorsement candidate during his or her time in the program, serve on the steering committee, etc.)


Throughout the program:

·             Attend quarterly CC meetings

·             Attend quarterly CC Workshops

·             Check in with mentor/point person once per quarter


After all the above have been completed:

·             Complete and submit a “critical teaching portfolio” including a statement of teaching philosophy, syllabus, and three teaching materials that speak to the goals and issues of Critical Classrooms

·             Complete an exit reflection