
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
 “Defying Gravity: Tyehimba Jess’s Syncopated Sonnets.” Foreign Literature Studies [外国文学研究] 41.6 (December 2019): 27-42. Publications, Essays and Articles
Duncan, Anne. “Pacing the Museum: Review of Out of Speech,” 32 Poems, 2019. Publications, Reviews
"Give Them What They Want: Populist Rhetoric in Conceptual Art and Writing.” Postscript: Writing after Conceptual Art, ed. Andrea Andersson. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018. 152-67. Publications, Book Chapters
“Chronologies of Disaster in Beasts of the Southern Wild: Narrative Possibility and Adaptive Politics”, Eco Culture: Disaster, Narrative, Discourse, ed. Robert Bell & Robert Ficociello, Lexington 2017.  Publications, Book Chapters
Rai, Candice. Democracy's Lot: Rhetoric, Publics, and the Places of Invention. University of Alabama Press, 2016. Publications, Books
Alan Williams. “Rethinking Yaoi on the Regional and Global Scale.” Intersections: Gender and Sexuality in Asia and the Pacific 37 (March 2015). Publications, Essays and Articles
Monika Kaup. Neobaroque in the Americas: Alternative Modernities in Literature, Visual Art, and Film. U of Virginia P. 2012. Publications, Books
Monika Kaup. Baroque New Worlds: Representation, Transculturation, Counterconquest. Co-edited with Lois Parkinson Zamora. Duke UP. 2010. Publications, Edited Collections
"Eden or Ebb of the Sea’: Susan Howe’s Word Squares and Postlinear Poetics.” Postmodern Culture 14.2 (January 2004). Web. Publications, Essays and Articles
“Ezra Pound’s Utopia of the Eye: The Chinese Characters in the Rock-Drill Cantos.” Paideuma 26 (Fall-Winter 1997): 111-21. Publications, Essays and Articles
"The Skyscraper's Unseeing Eyes: Louis Sullivan, Nella Larsen, and Racial Formalism," American Literature, in revise-towards-acceptance stage Publications, Essays and Articles