Praxis 2016 CFP

Transformative Language and Literacy Practices

Building Communities On and Beyond Campus

February 19, 2016 | 10am - 3pm | Haggett Hall (Cascade Rooms) | University of Washington

The English Department Writing Programs’ second Praxis Conference aims to generate conversations between teachers, students, administrators and staff to reconsider the transformative potential of reading and writing in building communities and creating change. The conference theme invites participants to share the impacts of transformative language and literacy practices in building communities on and beyond campus.

Presentations should focus on language and literacy practices in individual classroom activities, in partnerships across institutional boundaries, or in program/civic development. We welcome proposals from UW teachers, UW-affiliated K-12 teachers, students, administrators, staff, and from other organizations working in partnership with UW. Proposals should be either (1) 15 minute presentations, (2) 45 minute panels from multiple presenters proposing three related presentations or (3) a topic related to the conference theme about which the presenter will facilitate a small 30 minute roundtable discussion to generate and share ideas.

Some possible topics include:

  • Incorporating community service, public writing and other off-campus partnerships into UW curriculum
  • Designing off-campus community building literacy activities and materials
  • Crafting effective assignment sequences that engage with social activism
  • Considering group writing/conferencing as a pedagogical community practice
  • Exploring discussion strategies that engage social difference in productive ways

Sharing work done in literacy-related programs originating off campus, such as UW in the High Schools, Phoenix Project K-12 partners, University Beyond Bars, and other programs in which students and work are located off campus, but there is a connection to the UW campus

Please feel free to contact the conference committee before submitting with questions or proposal ideas at

Proposals should be 300-500 words and submitted, along with the presenter’s name(s), professional title and affiliation, and email, via email to

Deadline for submissions: November 16th, 2015 by 11:59 pm

Acceptance Notification by: December 7th, 2015 by 5:00 pm