Combating Islamophobia Action and Resource List
Educate Yourself about Islam and What's Happening
◦Check out (for common false assertions and factual responses)
◦Check out the FAQ at Islamic Network Group (for answers to questions about Islam)
◦Learn about the Islamophobia network:
▪ Report called “Fear, Inc.”:
▪ Report called Confronting Fear”:
◦Check out Southern Poverty Law Center's guide to anti-Muslim Extremists
◦Learn about the hate attacks in our country:, or follow Shaun King on
Twitter or Facebook (he's documenting hate incidents since the election)
◦Visit a mosque: contact to arrange date/time for visit
to Muslim Association of Puget Sound in Redmond, WA
◦Join distribution lists or follow organizations like Jewish Voice for Peace or a mosque
like Muslim Association of Puget Sound to learn of upcoming events and news
Meet Muslims and help others get to know Islam/Muslims
◦Get to know your Muslim neighbors, colleagues, and fellow citizens
◦Host interfaith gatherings and introduce your Muslim friends to non-Muslim friends
◦Host a talk/event on Islam (get speakers from CAIR-WA, MAPS, ING)
◦Learn about American Muslims through studies like this one, or this Pew Research Center study on American Muslims, or the study on mosques
Be an Active Ally and look for opportunities to provide support/assistance
◦ Publicly and vocally welcome Muslims as your neighbors
◦ Show up with signs of support when you hear of mosque protesters, hate crimes, etc.
◦ Speak out when you hear someone being harassed/attacked or hateful rhetoric used
◦ Offer to accompany Muslim women or others who may be afraid right now
◦ Listen to Muslim youth who may need understanding/counseling on these issues
◦ Find, publicize and attend interfaith and other educational events – bring friends
Use the Power of Your Pen and Voice
◦ Speak publicly and vocally through mainstream media – it's the most effective way to change hearts and minds! Write an op-ed or letter to the editor about the lives and contributions of American Muslims you know and the need for us to unite on our shared American values of religious freedom, tolerance and diversity.
◦ Use personal conversations, group discussions, blogs, and social media to promote the letters you write to media about American Muslims and to stand against hate, bigotry and discrimination
◦ Speak about your values as a person of faith and help educate your social network
about similarities in our faith traditions and the need to stand together
◦ Speak out when you hear hateful rhetoric or conspiracy theories being spread about
minorities, because hate speech leads to hate crimes
◦ Stand up for those being physically or verbally attacked or dehumanized in person
or on social media – don't leave it to the victims to respond
Look for and Build Solidarity Movements
◦ Check out “Muslims and Christians as Neighbors”:
◦ Check out “Shoulder to Shoulder”:
◦ Find and sign statements of solidarity, relevant petitions, etc.
◦ Have your church, synagogue, temple, company, or other entity post/display a
Muslim solidarity sign or message (in newsletters, reader boards, etc.)
◦Wear a safety pin as a symbol of solidarity. More info here
◦ Build solidarity movements within your own circle of friends and network of
colleagues, and brainstorm ways to help
Respond in Positive, Constructive Ways to Negative Actions
◦ Use tragedies/attacks as a way to bring people together, stand in solidarity, and
educate the community
◦ Take action in response to destructive and dangerous behavior by individuals,
politicians, and commentators by organizing and speaking out