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- How Study Abroad Can Improve Your Resume (PDF)
- How Study Abroad Increases Professional Job Prospects (Transitions Abroad)
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- FIUTS (Foundation for International Understanding Through Students)
London Links
There are innumerable sites on the Web pertaining to London and the United Kingdom. Let your favorite search engine loose and explore. Here are just a few links to help you get started:
- LondonTown.com
- Westminster Abbey
- British Museum
- British Library
- Parliament
- Shakespeare's Stratford
- Shakespeare's Country
- Royal Shakespeare Company
- Warwick Castle
- Britannia
- This is London (The Evening Standard Online)
- The London Times
- London Transport
- UK Airports (including Heathrow and Gatwick)
- British Tourist Authority
- Rick Steves' Europe Through the Back Door
- Currency Conversion (interactive: how many dollars = how many pounds and vice versa)
- World Time Server (what time is it now in the United Kingdom, and all around the world?)
Rome Links
There are innumerable Rome sites on the web -- let your favorite search engine loose and explore. Here are a very few to get you started. (Remember, some sites will be in Italian; these often have English translations, which you can access by clicking on a little English flag or graphic -- but this is usually the Union Jack, not the Stars and Stripes. In Europe "English" usually means "England.")
- Rick Steves's Europe Through the Back Door (excellent site with extensive travel information and tips)
- Currency Conversion (interactive: how many dollars = how many euros and vice versa)
- World Time Server (what time is it now in Italy, and all around the world?)
- Italian Embassy, Washington, D.C.
- UW Rome Center (information about UW Rome facilities and programs)
- Roman Imperial Forums (archaeology of Rome, virtual tours, etc.)