Professional Development in the Writing Programs

A dozen people sitting around a table having a conversation
Teaching Cafe on instructional materials, hosted by Matthew Hitchman and Jacob Wilson

Professional Development in the Writing Programs

Starting in the 2023-2024 school year ASEs will participate in two training and mentoring events each quarter they teach in PWR or PWAC, for up to three hours. These events shall be included in the ASE’s 220 hours for the quarter. (PWR instructors teaching new-to-them courses will receive training prior to fall quarter and are thus exempt from this requirement for that academic year.) We want everyone to be able to find events that support their own pedagogical goals. 

Below is a list of some of the professionalizing events the Writing Programs are putting on this year; please feel free to select from this list. You are also welcome to seek out other teaching- or writing-related activities and events, including campus events (such as CTL talks or workshops) or non-UW events (such as conferences). We define “participation” as either attending an event… or facilitating one! We encourage you to do what best supports your own teaching and is meaningful to you, such as an instructor observation plus a followup conversation. 

If you are interested in designing and leading a Teaching Café discussion or other event, please let us know– we encourage you to propose something! (Email Carrie Matthews, Associate Dir. of Writing Programs–  

Have you attended a professional development event?
Please complete this form once for each event you attend!


Upcoming Events

Teaching Cafes for Spring Quarter

All Teaching Cafes will take place in A11 Padelford

  • Tuesday 15 April, 2:30-4:00pm. Creating and Working With Peer Review Templates in Feedback Fruits (for Video and/or Audio Peer Review). With Janice Fournier and Kimberlee Gillis-Bridges.

  • Tuesday 22 April, 11:00-12:30. Updating Your Teaching Materials in Line with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). With Alaina Foust, UW-IT Accessible Technologies. 

  • Wednesday 30 April, 11-12:30. Teaching for Citation Justice: A Workshop. With the UW Libraries

  • Wednesday 07 May, 11-12:30. Navigating Emotional Labor and its Pedagogical Impact for Intersectionally Marginalized Language Instructors. With Sylvia Chowdhury.

  • Tues 20 May, 2:30-4:00. Teaching Resource Share-Out & Developing Your Teaching Portfolio Session.

Other Events

  • April 23 10:00-11:30, HUB 214. The Rhetoric of Generative AI: Leveraging Corpus Methods for LLM Text Analysis. Keynote Presentation by Michael Laudenbach (NJ Inst of Technology). More info.

  • May 21, 1:00-5:00, Open Scholarship Commons (Suzzallo Library, First Floor). GenAI Hackathon for instructors to work on teaching materials with respect to GenAI.

  • May 30, 9:00-4:00, HUB. Praxis Conference. More info.

CTL Workshops of Potential Interest

  • April 24, 2:30-3:30pm, Zoom. Designing Group Work that Reflects the Needs of International Students
  • May 2, 11:00-11:30, Zoom. Building an ADA Compliant Syllabus
  • May 22, 2:30-3:30, Zoom. Demystifying Alternative Grading

Professional Development News

We are pleased to invite proposals for the University of Washington English Department Writing Programs’ fifth annual Praxis Conference, which will be held at the UW Seattle campus on Friday, May 30th, 2025.  The theme for the conference is “Multiplicity” (understood broadly to include how to honor and support the multiplicity of our students’ identities, knowledges, modes of communication, and languages) and its possibilities as they relate to our teaching of English. Proposals for… Read more