Wednesday, June 11, 2025, 2:00pm, Meany Hall
The English Graduation Ceremony is open to students who graduated in Autumn 2024, Winter 2025, and for those students who have applied formally to graduate in Spring or Summer 2025. All eligible students will be emailed an invitation to complete a survey regarding their plans for graduation. The survey invitation will be sent to students' UW email address on Wednesday, April 16th, and students will have until 12pm on Wednesday, May 14th to complete the survey. For questions about and/or assistance with the survey, please email
Ticket Pick-Up: Graduates must pick up their guest tickets in the hallway outside of the English Department main office (Padelford Hall, South Entrance, A Wing, Room A-101, by the display case) on Wednesday, May 28th, or Thursday, May 29th. A staff member will be on-hand from 10:00am to 4:00pm on those dates to process your ticket requests. Please bring identification. Meany Hall requires tickets of all guests attending the ceremony. The graduate does not need a ticket.
Will Call Options: If you are unable to pick-up your guest tickets from the English Department Main Office on May 28th or May 29th, please plan to pick them up between 1:00pm and 1:45pm on June 11th in the lobby at the north entrance to Meany Hall. Staff members will be on-hand to distribute tickets during that hour. Please bring identification. Tickets are numbered, limited, and cannot be replaced: please treat them like gold! All guests will be required to present tickets for admission to Meany Theatre.
Essential Information: Graduates are to report to Meany's Studio Theatre (to the left of the main entrance and down the stairs - watch for the signs) at 1:15pm on Wednesday, June 11th, for final instructions and assembly.
Disability seating for those guests for whom you have RESERVED special accommodations begins at 1:00pm. Please be sure to specify accommodation requests for yourself and any of your guest who may need them on the graduation survey. Accommodations cannot be guaranteed without advanced notice.
Doors open for general admission at 1:00pm.
The ceremony begins at 2:00pm sharp.
Reception to follow the ceremony in the Meany Hall Lobby. Coffee, iced tea, and desserts will be served. All graduates, guests, faculty, and staff MUST EXIT the building by 4pm.
Personal items (purses, cell phones, backpacks, etc.) cannot be left in the Studio Theatre during the ceremony. Please have your family or friends hold your personal belongings during the ceremony as there is no secure place to store them.
Balloons, strollers, and car seats may not be brought into the theater. There is space for balloons, strollers, and car seats to be stored in the foyer located in the main entrance (north side) to Meany. Please be aware the storage space is not supervised during the ceremony.
Cameras are allowed during the ceremony, but no monopods or tripods are permitted. Participation in the ceremony indicates that you have provided consent to be included in this platform.
PhD Students: Please make sure to confirm with the faculty member(s) who will be hooding you that they plan to attend the ceremony. Please also remember that PhD students are required to wear commencement attire at the English Department ceremony, as they will be seated on the stage, among their faculty colleagues, after being hooded. Please be sure to order your PhD commencement apparel (cap, gown, hood) during the registration period at
Parking: Please be sure to order parking permit(s) for yourself and your guests through the UW Commencement website. You must go through this website even if you will not be participating in the Saturday ceremony in order to order parking permits. Order permits for the Meany garage at
If you have any questions, please contact the English Graduate Advising Office at
We look forward to seeing you at the Graduation Celebration!
Who's Eligible to Participate in the June Ceremonies?
Anyone who graduated in December 2024, or March 2025, or who has a graduation application on file for June 2025 or August 2025.
Applying to Graduate
All students, whether they are participating in the ceremonies or not, must apply to graduate by the applicable quarterly deadline in order to have their degrees granted officially by the UW. The final deadline for Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters is the third Friday of that quarter. For Summer quarter graduates, students who want to participate in the June ceremonies must apply, with Spring graduates, by the third Friday of Spring quarter. Students should see a Humanities Academic Services adviser to file their graduation applications.
Students who want to use Graduating Senior Priority (GSP) for early registration during their final two quarters must apply much earlier, by the applicable GSP deadlines.
When and Where are the Ceremonies?
English Department Graduation: Wednesday, June 11th, 2025, 2:00pm, Meany Hall. Tickets are required for entrance to Meany Hall. RSVP and order your guest tickets between April 16th and May 14th. We will send you an e-mail with more details at the beginning of spring quarter.
Graduates must arrive at the Little Studio Theatre at Meany Hall by 1:15 pm. Doors to the main stage open at 1:00pm for guests.
UW Commencement: Saturday, June 14th, 2025, Husky Stadium.
Both ceremonies require R.S.V.P registration. Separate registration is required for each ceremony. If you will be attending the English Department ceremony only, please be aware that you will still need to log into the UW Commencement website to order your cap and gown (optional) and any campus parking permits that you may need for yourself or your guests. The English Department cannot order your apparel or parking permits on your behalf. The Commencement website will be open for registration, and for ordering caps and gowns and parking permits for departmental ceremonies, between May 4th and May 25th, 2025.
Register for the English Department Ceremony
Tickets are required for the English Department ceremony on June 11th, 2025.
Registration will begin on April 16th and closes May 14th. If you have questions, or need to speak with someone, please contact Humanities Academic Services, or the English Graduate Advising Office at
You will receive invitations for both ceremonies (from the UW and the English Department) in late April. We will also send out announcements over the englmajors e-mail list.
Frequently Asked Questions
See this page for answers to common questions: Graduation FAQ.
Congratulations to this year's graduates!
Please let us know if you have good news to share! We always enjoy hearing about your admission to graduate programs, new jobs, and other exciting plans and endeavors: HAS and Keep in touch with the English Department through our alumni section. We like to hear how you're doing and what you're up to out there in the "real world"!