Click here for general information about about the English Department Graduation Ceremony.
How do I get tickets for my guests for the English Department graduation ceremony?
You can request the number of tickets that you need, up to six guest tickets. (There may be more available later on in the process, if other students don't claim all of their eligible tickets.) After you've received confirmation, you should pick up the tickets in person from the English Advising Office. The registration link will open on April 16th, 2025, and close on May 14th, 2025.
What are the criteria for "Baccalaureate Honors" (cum laude, magna cum laude, summa cum laude)?
Baccalaureate honors are based on UW GPA only. Unlike College or Departmental Honors, they do not require that you take any special classes or participate in any special programs. To qualify, students need to earn 90 resident UW credits. At least 60 of those credits must be graded on the decimal grading system. You must meet this year's GPA requirements for the College of Arts and Sciences. These change every year and are based on top GPA percentages for the College.
Cum laude means "with praise"; Magna cum laude means "with great praise"; Summa cum laude means "With highest praise."
Your ability to wear an honor cord at the ceremony is based upon your GPA at the end of winter quarter. The actual honor that appears on your transcript is conferred based on your actual GPA when your degree is officially granted (all of your requirements are satisfied and all grades are in).
Do I qualify for an honor cord for completing the College Honors or the English Department Honors Program?
Yes. If you earned College Honors, you can purchase an honor cord when you order your cap and gown. (Students who qualified at the end of winter quarter for baccalaureate honors can also purchase honor cords.)
Honor cords are purchased through the UW Commencement website.
Will my name be called at the ceremonies?
UW Commencement: No, unless you're earning a doctoral degree (PhD, MD, EdD, etc.). Bachelor's- and Master's-level students will file past the stage by college (Arts & Sciences in your case) and shake hands with the Dean, Provost, or University President.
English Department: Yes. When you complete your online RSVP, we will ask you to let us know how you'd like your name read, how to pronounce it, and any other information you'd like us to announce when you cross the stage (e.g., honors, scholarships, acceptances to graduate schools, career information, etc.).
When will I receive my diploma?
Your diploma will arrive about four months after your degree is granted. It will be mailed to your designated mailing address, so be sure to keep that up to date through MyUW. (Meanwhile, once your degree is officially granted, it will appear on your UW transcript, which you can view through MyUW, and, if you have your records release option set to "YES," it will also be visible through the UW's Degree Validation website.)
What will my diploma say?
Your diploma will list only your name and the type of degree you have earned ("Bachelor of Arts"). It will not list your major(s) or minor(s). These things will appear on your transcript, however, as well as on the UW's Degree Validation website.
When will my degree appear on my transcript?
Your degree will appear on your transcript (official or unofficial) as soon as it has been granted. Degrees will be backdated for the last day of finals week for the quarter in which you graduate, but it will take the Graduation Office a few weeks to process all of the applications after final grades have been posted. Sit tight! If you haven't seen your degree posted to your transcript after at least six weeks have passed (starting from the last day of final exams week), check in with the Humanities Academic Services Center.
While I'm waiting for my diploma, how can I prove to someone that I have my degree?
Your degree will appear on your transcript, and through the UW's Degree Validation website. It will appear on this website only if you have selected "Yes" as your Records Release Option through MyUW.
It's been more than four months. Why didn't I receive my diploma?
If you owe the UW money (library fines, IMA fees, short-term loan repayments, etc.), the UW will not release your diploma or any official transcripts -- though your degree will still be granted and will still show up on your unofficial transcript through MyUW. If you're not sure whether you owe the UW money, check your student account on MyUW.
When should I order official transcripts (for jobs, graduate school, etc.)?
Wait until you see that your degree has been granted (check your unofficial transcript on MyUW) before you order an official transcript. Your degree will appear in the upper left section of the transcript. Then, follow the instructions for ordering official transcripts.