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ENGL 496 A: Major Conference for Honors

Meeting Time: 
MW 11:30am - 1:20pm
GLD 117
Michelle smiling in front of the UW library
Michelle Liu

Syllabus Description:

This writing and research-intensive seminar is designed to provide support for producing your senior thesis. The only requirement for the senior thesis is that it must incorporate research—which is another way of saying that you should think of your thesis as being part of a conversation with other creators of your choice. The form you choose for your thesis determines what kind of conversation you would like to have, given your academic and career goals. Some forms you may think about: an academic paper (conference or journal length); a public humanities presentation/exhibit; a videoessay; teaching modules; podcasts (script or audio); a digital anthology with introduction.

This course is designed around creating a community that will support your quarter-long endeavor, from the idea stage through the writing/re-writing stage. As this is a workshop quarter, we will have a combination of in-person meetings, asynchronous work time, and individual conferences to help develop your work in rhythm with your classmates. The goal is to help you produce a thesis that will be all the better because of the support and camaraderie of your colleagues!

Catalog Description: 
Individual study (reading, papers) by arrangement with the instructor. Required of, and limited to, Honors seniors in English.
Other Requirements Met: 
Honors Course
Last updated: 
February 10, 2022 - 9:56pm