In this course we'll read three major literary works (a play by Shakespeare, and two twentieth-century novels, one French, and one African), as well as a substantial amount of literary criticism. On the one hand, we'll use the criticism to understand the works; on the other hand, we'll criticize the criticism, noting the powers and limitations of each method.
You will write two three-page papers and a final, 4-5 page paper. I will also be giving you frequent (almost every day) reading quizzes to help you keep up with the reading. Your quizzes will count 30 per cent of your final grade; your shorter papers will each count 20 per cent, and your final paper will count 30 per cent. I will drop your three lowest quiz grades. There will be no excused absences from quizzes; the three freebies are for emergencies, for when you're sick or otherwise unable to come to class.
No add codes will be given out before the first day of class, and you must attend the class to get one.
Shakespeare, The Tempest.
Camus, The Stranger
Kafka, The Metamorphosis
These are all standard texts that are available in many editions, and also online. You may use any text you wish. I will put your literary critical readings on Canvas.