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ENGL 381 A: Advanced Expository Writing

Meeting Time: 
TTh 11:30am - 1:20pm
MEB 246
Michelle smiling in front of the UW library
Michelle Liu

Syllabus Description:

Travel writers, through their rendition of place in persuasive prose, radically shape how readers picture and engage with the world. Through descriptions of people encountered and landscapes traversed, travel writers create ways to know the new in order to transform places into culturally significant places in the imagination of their armchair readers. As a genre, travel writing is an excellent illustration of the immediate power of prose and lends itself well to the study of the effective use of words in ways that push against cliché and stereotypes.

In this class, we will analyze some signature pieces of this genre as a way to develop comfort in experimenting with our own prose styles, practice supporting each other in taking writing risks, and embrace the drafting process to cultivate multiple and disparate ways of developing an idea. Classwork will consist of discussion of various essays, composition, and peer discussion of student writing. No required books to purchase; all assigned essays will be available on pdf.

Information about registering for this class:

  • Non-English majors will be able to register for Engl 381 starting on February 26th, when period 2 registration begins. No addcode needed in period 2.
  • An addcode would be needed only if by the first day of the quarter, you were unable to register during period 2 and there are spots available in the class. 
  • Please note that I do not get addcodes until the first week of the quarter.
Catalog Description: 
Concentration on the development of prose style for experienced writers.
GE Requirements: 
English Composition (C)
Writing (W)
Last updated: 
December 20, 2023 - 5:55am