English 207 – Introduction to Cultural Studies
Winter 2024
TTh 9:30 – 11:20am, OUG 141
(Note: Since our classroom is in Odegaard Library, you will need your Husky Card for access.)
Course Description
This course introduces Cultural studies through selected themes and classic thinkers in the field. We will treat Cultural studies theory-making as a form of critical practice for deepening our understanding of structures of power, history, identity, ideology, media, affect, knowledge, technology, and the environment. With the class designed to be expansive toward student interests, student groups will locate their own critical thinkers/texts beyond the assigned ones, leading discussion and activities under the weekly themes. Collaborative research and composition will allow students to apply Cultural studies scholarship to their own selected cultural objects or phenomena.
20% – Paper
30% – Project (collaborative)
15% – Critical text selection and activity leading (collaborative)
20% – Canvas posts
15% – Participation
Week 1 - Intro
Week 2 - Cultural Theory <--> Analysis
Week 3 - Cultural Studies as a(n) (Inter)discipline
Week 4 - (De)globalization and Decolonization
Week 5 - Race, Nation, and Violence
Week 6 - Gender/Sexuality
Week 7 - Space, Place, and the Environment
Week 8 - Media Theory/Popular Culture
Week 9 - Technology, Virtuality and Affect
Week 10 - Project Presentations
Finals week - Revised Paper + revision letter