Participants: Jessica Holmes, Kathleen Reeves, Alycia Gilbert, Lisa Rice, David Vinson, Rachelle Horner
Mission: Our team proposes a diversity and equity campus workshop that brings together UWHS instructors and on-campus EWP Pre-Doctoral Instructors. The UWHS team sees the need for such a workshop because, though we always aim to foreground diversity, equity, and inclusion in our campus trainings and norming sessions (especially through our choices of readings, curricula
and student work to share), there is so much logistical material to cover that this theme never gets
the level of attention and devotion it deserves. The workshop would allow us the time and space
to dig into discussions of diversity, equity, and inclusion in a more direct and generative manner.
UW in the High Schools serves a broad range of students, and it is essential that the program keep
diversity, equity, and inclusion at the center of its undertakings.