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Autumn Quarter In Rome 2018: Sacking Rome-Creative Writing at the Center of the Western World

Program Dates: 
October 1, 2018 to December 6, 2018
Application Deadline: 
February 15, 2018
Information Sessions: 
Coming Soon

Program Information


LIFE is sharper at the point of a pencil. Join us for a Mediterranean autumn full of walk, talk, and literary comradeship in and about the Eternal City. As readers, we’ll consider the words of poets and novelists who followed that road before us. As writers, we'll put ourselves in their shoes, pounding the cobbles daily, notebooks in hand. As scientists, we’ll explore the natural history of Italy, north and south.

Art and science, language and literature, history and geography, the color and sensate onslaught of interdisciplinary life all constellate in the literary imagination. Writers are dedicated generalists, interested in everything. Like barbarians, they ask what can we carry away? We'll test that question, transmute what we see into writing, and so sack Rome.

Led by English Department faculty Richard Kenney and Carol Light, the program offers 15 credits in English and Creative Writing. We welcome all students. No experience in literary analysis or creative writing is presumed. 

Contact Information: 

Amy Feldman-Bawarshi
Academic Adviser

Program Status: 