Professional Development in the Writing Programs

A dozen people sitting around a table having a conversation
Teaching Cafe on instructional materials, hosted by Matthew Hitchman and Jacob Wilson

Professional Development in the Writing Programs

Starting in the 2023-2024 school year ASEs will participate in two training and mentoring events each quarter they teach in PWR or PWAC, for up to three hours. These events shall be included in the ASE’s 220 hours for the quarter. (PWR instructors teaching new-to-them courses will receive training prior to fall quarter and are thus exempt from this requirement for that academic year.) We want everyone to be able to find events that support their own pedagogical goals. 

Below is a list of some of the professionalizing events the Writing Programs are putting on this year; please feel free to select from this list. You are also welcome to seek out other teaching- or writing-related activities and events, including campus events (such as CTL talks or workshops) or non-UW events (such as conferences). We define “participation” as either attending an event… or facilitating one! We are open to you pursuing what opportunities would best support your own teaching and be meaningful to you, such as an instructor observation plus a followup conversation. If you are interested in designing and leading a Teaching Cafe discussion or other event, please let us know– we encourage you to propose something! (Email Carrie Matthews, Associate Dir. of Writing Programs–  

Have you attended a professional development event?

Please complete this form once for each event you attend!

Upcoming Events

  • Writing Programs' Teaching Café - Spring 2024 Schedule *All meeting times are Tuesdays, 12:30-2:00pm in A11 Padelford*
    • April 2: Jacob Wilson on AI/ChatGPT syllabus statements + Policies Share Out and Reflection–HYBRID
    • April 9: Gillian Harkins on grading / workload
    • April  23: Joe Concannon & Matthew Hitchman on community-engaged teaching
    • April  30:  Juliet Shields: “The Way We Read Now”
    • May 7: Stephanie Clare & Hunter Little on teaching and learning and mental health
  • April 3-6: Conference on College Composition and Communication. Spokane Convention Center. Spokane, WA. For more info, see here.
  • April 6-May 7. UW Libraries Storytelling Fellows: Video Storytelling. The UW Libraries are offering a fun, community based, 4-week online workshop focused on the process of digital storytelling. Four live Tuesday sessions will be hosted via zoom from 10:00am-12:00pm on April 16, April 23, April 30, and May 7. For more information and to apply, click here.
  • May 14, 10am-4pm: Annual WTF Have We Been Doing All Year?!? Event. At this day-long event, we’ll connect  and reflect upon what we’ve been doing this year. As in previous years, all members of the Writing Programs’ and the Department’s instructional community are invited. Details about schedule and RSVP coming soon!
  • Teaching@UW workshops through the Center for Teaching and Learning (ongoing). See calendar here.

Professional Development News
