100-Level Courses - Summer 2020

Listings for future quarters are tentative and subject to change. For the most up-to-date information, please consult the UW Time Schedule. For a listing of all courses potentially offered, see the Course Catalog.

Summer 2020 Full-term

ENGL Courses

Course Course Title (click for details) SLN Instructor Meeting Time
ENGL 105 B English for International Teaching Assistants 11403
  • Mary Kay Seales
  • TTh 8:30am - 10:40am
ENGL 111 A Composition: Literature 11407
  • MTWTh 1:10pm - 2:10pm
ENGL 131 A Composition: Exposition 11408
  • MTWTh 9:40am - 10:40am
ENGL 131 B Composition: Exposition 11409
  • MTWTh 12:00pm - 1:00pm
ENGL 131 C Composition: Exposition 11410
  • MTWTh 2:20pm - 3:20pm