ENGL 572 A: Methods and Materials for Teaching English as a Second Language

Winter 2021
MW 10:30am - 12:20pm / * *
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

Full Color Syllabus with Navigation Links

Walker_Syllabus_ENGLISH 572_WINTER_2021 -UPDATED 2-16-21.doc

PDF Version

Walker_Syllabus_ENGLISH 572_WINTER_2021 -UPDATED 2-16-21.pdf    






Course: English 572                                                                              Instructor: TJ Walker

Classes: MW: 10:30-12:20                                                               Office: Cyberspace!

Classroom: Zoom                                                                            Office Hrs. MW: 12:30-1:30

Quarter: Winter 2021                                                                             Email: tjwalker@uw.edu


Zoom Link:



Canvas Page:



Google Doc:







With a little imagination, we can see how a good method for teaching English in one situation may be disastrous in another. Effective language teaching depends on many variables (student interests, needs, and backgrounds; access to teaching materials; teacher experience and personality, institutional requirements, etc.) and teachers must be prepared to adjust and adapt their methods accordingly. In this course, we will approach the topic of TESOL methods and materials development from the perspective that there is not a singular “best” method for teaching English. Although there is no universal, perfect TESOL method, exploring the historical evolution of TESOL methodology can give us insight into the variety of methods that have been employed in TESOL and can help us practice the metacognitive reflection that we will need to determine the methods we use in our future teaching. We will organize and participate in regular workshops and familiarize ourselves with a diverse set of hands-on activities, pedagogical approaches, and teaching philosophies.  We will develop flexible and broadly applicable macro strategies for language teaching that may help us better select the appropriate micro strategies required for any specific teaching moment.




  • *Kumaravadivelu, B. (2006). Understanding Language Teaching. From Method to Postmethod. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. [ULT]
  • *Kumaravadivelu, B. (2003). Beyond Methods: Macrostrategies for Language Teaching. New Haven and London: Yale University Press. [BM]
  • *Mishan, F. & Timmis, I. (2015). Materials Development for TESOL. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. [MD]
  • **Richards, J. C. & Rodgers, T. S. (2014). Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching (Cambridge Language Teaching Library),3rd Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [AMLT]
  • Additional readings will be made available electronically.


* These books are available as E-books on the UW Library website

** This book can be ordered from Amazon or other online retailers.


(Note: This syllabus is based on versions of syllabi by MATESOL faculty who have taught this course previously, e.g., Priti Sandhu, Ann Wennerstrom, Sandra Silberstein, Suhanthie Motha, amongst others).


10%     Class participation

10%     Language Teaching Autobiography

15 %     Teaching Method Demonstrations (7.5 + 7.5)

30%     In-Class Seminar 

35%      TESOL Methods/Materials Development Project




1.                    Participation and Attendance

(10% of course grade)

Unless you have made prior arrangements with me (TJ) You are expected to attend all class sessions and participate actively in discussions. You will be assigned a grade for participation and attendance, and this grade will take into account the quality and substance of your contribution to the collaborative learning of the class community. As a seminar, the success of our class depends on each of us coming prepared to engage with the readings and topics of each session. If you must be absent, let me know in advance and please arrange to have a classmate pass on notes and handouts. You are responsible for all course work and for maintaining deadlines, even when you are absent. Given the global pandemic and all the accompanying disruptions, there is an even greater need to communicate with me (TJ) as soon as possible about any difficulties you may be having with reading, class attendance, and coursework. I expect everyone to do what it takes to achieve full participation points and ensure that we have a rich learning environment throughout the quarter.


Evaluation Criteria:

  • Arriving/logging-in on time to all classes. If there are unavoidable reasons that keep you from attending, please e-mail me with an explanation, ideally before class but definitely on the same day that you cannot be in class.
  • Thoroughly reading and processing assigned readings prior to class.
  • Providing thoughtful contributions to class discussions.



2. Language Teaching Autobiography

            (2-3 pages, double-spaced) (10% of course grade); Due: Monday, January 11th.


Teachers are theorizers who practice and write from their own positionalities and experiences. In this assignment, which supports connections between teachers’ experiences and teachers’ intellectual theorizing, you are asked to write about your language teaching experiences. Reflect on some or all of the following questions: How did you learn to teach? Were you taught specific “methods”? What teaching methods have you drawn on in your past practice, and how did you come to use these methods? What role did methods play in your teaching? Provide specific examples. How have social circumstances impacted your teaching? What did you like about your language teaching experiences, what did you dislike? How would you teach differently in retrospect? What sources of knowledge did you draw upon in your past teaching (e.g. mentors, language learning experiences, supervisors, institutionally prescribed methods)? In the light of your past experiences, what do you need to know about TESOL methods that will support your intellectual skills in analyzing new situations and will equip you to teach in them? Use your own language, the language that makes sense for you, as you describe the evolution of your ideas. It is not necessary for you to use TESOL terminology if it is not cohesive with your own voice. This paper should be a reflective narrative piece rooted in your personal experience.


Evaluation Criteria:

In your autobiography, you should:

  • Thoughtfully discuss your experiences teaching languages
  • Reflect upon the significance of your experiences for your future language teaching practice
  • Raise questions about language teaching methods and contexts of learning
  • Share a thoughtful, interesting 2-minute précis (summary) of your narrative with your classmates


3. Teaching Method Demonstrations

(15% of course grade) (Due 1/13 and 1/20)

In order to help each other to visualize the various methods that contribute to the historical terrain of our field, each class member will lead a 10-12-minute demonstration for each of two English language teaching methods or approaches as delineated in the AMLT book in Sections I, II, and III. You are welcome to teach a language other than English using the method that you have chosen, although it is also fine to teach English. Check the course schedule for names of methods/approaches and their scheduled demonstrations. You can sign up for your demonstrations during class.


Description and Evaluation Criteria:

In each of your two teaching method demonstrations, you should:

  • Include a brief (1-2 minute) discussion of the history, main principles, language learning theories underlying the method/approach, as well as a critical evaluation of the same. Explain in what situations this method might still be considered useful or appropriate. Feel free to use our readings in ULT as a resource for this.
  • Clearly demonstrate the method or approach by teaching one activity (about 5 minutes) that exemplify what you understand to be its main pedagogical tenets. Because we will be online, this may require more creativity and compromise in some cases. Do not hesitate to get in touch with me (TJ) if you have questions about how to prepare for this!
  • Be sure to include a brief Q&A about the method or approach at the end of your presentation. Be prepared to discuss the questions: How much scope is there to use this method to explore language as a system? As a discourse? As ideology? and How might this method reflect and/or impact the social circumstances of a language learning environment?
  • Include a 1-page summary of your demonstration and share a digital copy of this summary with the class on the appropriate Canvas Discussion Board. This summary should include short, written responses to the questions in the previous bullet.


4. In-Class Seminar

(30% of course grade)

Education is increasingly effective when learners are allowed more control in decisions regarding the content as well as the manner of their own instruction. This assignment will give you the chance to control, design, and teach one hour of our class. Each student will conduct ONE in-class seminar on one of the topics from the syllabus. (See the course schedule for the days and topics ear-marked for these seminars, see our Google Doc for a sign-up table). You will be responsible for designing a 60-MINUTE class seminar that comprehensively instructs us on the assigned readings for the day. In addition to using these assigned readings, you are required to incorporate three outside texts into the seminar. Two of which must be related to the topic/s of the day, and one of which should be about online teaching or teaching with technology.


Description and Evaluation Criteria:

  • Your seminar should review major assumptions and debates around the scheduled topic/s as these are discussed in the assigned readings for the day. (See the course schedule below). In order to do this, formulate thoughtful and creative questions about these texts for class discussions and include them in a digital handout.  ALL the assigned readings of the day should be covered in your seminar, but you do not need to give them all equal weight. You may include brief summaries of these assigned readings in your handout. But refrain from presenting lengthy oral summaries of these texts during your seminar.
  • You must also present new understandings garnered from an additional 2 outside readings related to the assigned readings, and 1 outside reading related to online language teaching and/or the use of “technology” in language teaching. Be sure to integrate these 3 outside readings in your seminar in creative and interesting ways. The more connections you can make between your outside sources and the seminar discussions, the more it will enhance the learning experience of your cohort as well as having a positive impact on your grade. Your handout should include an annotated bibliography of these 3 outside resources.
  • An important element of the seminar will be the presentation and critiques of published textbook materials that bear some relation to the readings of the day. For example, if part of your seminar is on listening, please include in your handout, one or two listening activities from a published textbook. Alternatively, you can use materials available on the web. You will be responsible for generating a discussion on the efficacy of these activities. Be sure to insert in your handout copies of the selected published materials and the discussion questions that you would like your peers to engage with in relation to these materials. NOTE: On some days, the readings do not lend themselves well to specific lessons (e.g. In-class Seminar 1, 1/27). In this case, you are free to choose materials and evaluate them from the perspective of our course as a whole (rather than simply through the day’s readings).
  • You are also required to include a sample lesson plan related to the ideas discussed in the assigned readings. In the plan, include a brief description of the hypothetical class, students, classroom setting, and teaching objectives. Talk us through your plan and teach one activity from it in class. Try and involve as many of your peers as possible in this teaching demonstration. All such demonstrations should be followed by whole-class discussions about the activity, its efficacy, suggestions for similar activities, doing things in different ways, how others have taught similar activities, etc. Therefore, please plan for 8-10 minutes of post demo class discussion. As noted above, for some days, (e.g. 1/27), the connection between your lesson plan and the readings may have to be more general.
  • It is crucial that you limit lectures to a minimum. Instead of lecturing the class using your handout as a template, provide thoughtful discussion questions in creative and interesting formats to generate maximum discussion. The lecture part of your seminar should be less than 8 minutes.


Things to note for this assignment:

1) Please meet with me at least once to discuss your seminar – the earlier the better but definitely ONE

    WEEK in advance of your seminar.

2) Also e-mail me an outline of your seminar TWO DAYS in advance.

3) This assignment requires a considerable amount of research and planning, so please plan accordingly

     and begin working weeks in advance.



Checklist for In-class Seminar:


  • Include a digital handout which includes, at a minimum:
    1. Brief summaries of the assigned texts
    2. Thoughtful and creative questions to spark class discussion about these texts
    3. An annotated bibliography of at least three outside sources (see details above)
    4. Copies of published materials related (if possible) to the topics in the reading that day
  • Include a Sample Lesson Plan (from which you will actually teach one activity during our class)
  • Lead class for an hour, during which, at a minimum, you will:
    1. Integrate insights from your outside readings
    2. Lead discussion on the “published materials” you have chosen
    3. Teach one activity from your included lesson plan
    4. Lead discussion on the teaching activity you demonstrated
    5. Minimize time spent “lecturing.” (Maximize questions, discussion, and interaction)


The goal for this assignment is to provide questions and materials that will spark lively discussion and debate in our class and to practice thinking carefully about how to connect our readings to the practical aspects of teaching.


5. TESOL Methods/Materials Development Project

(12-15 pages) (35% of course grade) Due March 12th


Presentation at end of quarter: An important aspect of this assignment will be a 20-minute power point presentation of your project to the class at the end of the quarter. Please include a 1-page handout and list of references.


Your final project will explore some area of TESOL methodology or materials development.  I recommend that you speak to me as early as possible about your chosen topic as each paper will need a degree of flexibility which can only be discussed face-to-face (or zoom to zoom, as the case may be).  You may approach your task in one of three ways:  (1) You may write a theoretical research paper where you focus on a particular methodology, approach, or method-related issue, with an analysis of underlying assumptions and tensions; (2) you may develop a course plan and set of materials for a particular context with an extended rationale; (3) alternatively, you may combine these two in some way, for example by providing a description of a particular methodology, approach, or method-related issue along with a discussion of theoretical issues and sample course and lesson plans for a specific context. Whichever option you choose, your paper must be more than a description of a set of materials or a particular methodology.  There must be extensive analysis and connections must be made to the course readings as much as possible. More specifically:


Option 1: Theoretical Paper

You may investigate a particular methodology, approach, or method-related issue.  You could: a) explore a current approach such as Task Based Language Teaching or Content Based language Teaching or b) delve into a methods-related issue (such as TESOL standards). Whichever of these you select, be sure to explain the approach or methods related-issue and include an analysis of its underlying assumptions. For example, what are its historical antecedents? How is the approach consistent (or not) with SLA theories and research? What are its strengths? What potential problems might it present? In which situations might it be most successful? How might it need to be adapted to suit specific student demographics? What has research within TESOL demonstrated about the efficacy (or otherwise) of this approach/method? This will be a theoretical paper, so you will need to read deeply and critically about the methodology or approach you select. Evaluation will depend on the extent of your reading beyond the course readings, the manner in which you synthesize your understandings, and your demonstration of a thorough and critical understanding of the strengths and potential shortcomings of the approach or method. Please follow an academic APA style for writing this paper.



Option 2: Course Plan

Alternatively, you may develop a course plan with sample materials, including a rationale for a specific student population. Provide a description of a pedagogical context that your course will address (e.g., teaching English to undocumented adult day workers in a community advocacy center; teaching academic writing in a linked history course, teaching academic English to (non) matriculated students, etc.) Be sure to provide detailed descriptions of the student populations and the course along with a theoretical analysis and justification for your plan. The theoretical analysis and justification of your plan will need to be grounded in the course readings. Your course plan should include a syllabus of the course with the following elements:

  • a course description,
  • the overall goals and objectives of the course,
  • a schedule of topics,
  • major assignments


Additionally, provide a detailed plan for a single week or unit of activities. This should include:

  • daily lesson plans,
  • sample activities with teacher-student roles delineated
  • home-work assignments, etc.

Furthermore, explain how and why all the materials you develop will promote language learning among this particular student body.


(Option 3: A blend of Options 1 and 2)

If you have a project in mind that would incorporate a different arrangement and/or emphasis of the requirements illustrated in the first two options, please let me know and we can work out an “Option 3” that may better fit your own interests and educational needs!



Evaluation Criteria

In your TESOL Methodology Project, you should:

  • Explore a topic that reflects the scope and content of the course
  • Thoughtfully integrate class readings into your paper, reference at least 5 class readings
  • Reference and demonstrate an understanding of at least 5 additional readings beyond class

Readings (Option 1)

  • Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the methodological tensions surrounding your topic
  • Include insightful reflection and personal theorizing
  • Demonstrate appropriate lesson planning (Option 2)
  • Write lucidly, support your claims, and avoid redundancy
  • Use APA style with consistency, including an appropriately cited list of references
  • Give a 20-minute power point presentation of your project
  • Provide a succinct 1-page, bulleted handout and a list of references to accompany your presentation (avoid writing out entire sentences and paragraphs)


Previous topics for the ENGL 572 Final Project have included:

  • Blog-based ESL Writing Course
  • Course proposal for teaching grammar through popular music
  • Using immigrant women’s stories to develop literacy
  • Video serial course for teaching EFL to Swedish teens
  • Listening and Speaking Skill Development in Preliterate Refugees
  • The state of EFL in Taiwan
  • Specialized syllabi for adult English learners in Japan
  • Project-based teaching for large classes.

General Assignment Guidelines

  1. Complete all assigned readings on time (see Course Schedule).
  2. Submit all assignments to Canvas on the days and times noted in the class schedule. Late submissions may be graded down.
  3. The syllabus is not final; assignments, and due dates are subject to change


Information and Resources


What grades in graduate classes usually mean:

Grading in graduate seminars is often different than that in undergraduate courses

Grades in graduate seminars are often compressed at the top of the spectrum

4.0: This grade indicates that a student has completed all the work at an exemplary level.

3.9: This grade indicates strong graduate-level work

3.8: This grade indicates that the work has generally been strong, with an occasional weakness

3.7: This grade indicates that the work has some strengths, but with a number of weaknesses

3.6: This grade indicates that the work has some quality, but several areas need major improvement

3.5 or below: In at least one area, the minimum requirements for the course are not being met. The student may not have completed all assignments for the course, may have submitted a paper late, may have submitted a lower-quality final paper or project, may have a spotty record of attendance, or may have regularly detracted from the intellectual work of the class.


Code of Academic Integrity

Students are expected to be committed to the principles of truth and academic honesty and to follow the Code of Academic Integrity, the full text of which is available at:



Plagiarism is a tricky topic.  A good guideline to follow is: If you know that you are expected to write something yourself, don’t get the writing from somewhere else. If you are uncertain how to borrow ideas and properly cite sources, ask TJ!


Odegaard Writing and Research Center (OWRC)

The Odegaard Writing and Research Center (OWRC) is available to assist both graduate and undergraduate students with the process of writing, from understanding an assignment to brainstorming and identifying sources to outlining and drafting to making final revisions and tying up loose ends. OWRC offers free, one-to-one, 45-minute tutoring sessions for any writing or research project, as well as for personal projects such as applications or cover letters and resumes. For more information, or to schedule an appointment (more than 500 available per week!), see the website (https://depts.washington.edu/owrc ).  For obvious reasons, all appointments are conducted online this quarter. Take time to browse their collection of online resources at:



Access and Accommodations: 

Your experience in this class is important to me. If you have already established accommodations with Disability Resources for Students (DRS), please communicate your approved accommodations to me at your earliest convenience so we can discuss your needs in this course.

If you have not yet established services through DRS, but have a temporary health condition or permanent disability that requires accommodations (conditions include but not limited to; mental health, attention-related, learning, vision, hearing, physical or health impacts), please contact DRS at 206-543-8924 or uwdrs@uw.edu or disability.uw.edu. DRS offers resources and coordinates reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities and/or temporary health conditions.  Reasonable accommodations are established through an interactive process between you, your instructor(s) and DRS. It is the policy and practice of the University of Washington to create inclusive and accessible learning environments consistent with federal and state law.


Religious Accommodation Clause

Washington state law requires that UW develop a policy for accommodation of student absences or significant hardship due to reasons of faith or conscience, or for organized religious activities. The UW’s policy, including more information about how to request an accommodation, is available at Faculty Syllabus Guidelines and Resources. Accommodations must be requested within the first two weeks of this course using the  Religious Accommodations Request form available at https://registrar.washington.edu/students/religious-accommodations-request/.


Leadership Without Borders

I am trained as an Undocu Ally. Undocu Ally training is intended to provide UW staff and faculty with knowledge about resources, services, best practices, and allyship for undocumented students. In 2003, House Bill 1079 was signed into law in Washington State, allowing eligible undocumented students to pay in-state tuition. Resources, support, and services for undocumented students are available from the Leadership Without Borders (LWB) Center and the Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center.



UW SafeCampus

  • Preventing violence is everyone's responsibility. If you're concerned, tell someone.
  • Always call 911 if you or others may be in danger.
  • Call 206-685-SAFE (7233) to report non-urgent threats of violence and for referrals to UW counseling and/or safety resources. TTY or VP callers, please call through your preferred relay service.
  • Don't walk alone. Campus safety guards can walk with you on campus after dark. Call Husky NightWalk 206-685-WALK (9255).
  • Stay connected in an emergency with UW Alert. Register your mobile number to receive instant notification of campus emergencies via text and voice messaging. Sign up online at www.washington.edu/alert
  • For more information visit the SafeCampus website at * washington.edu/safecampus*.


Q Center

The University of Washington Q Center is a fierce, primarily student run resource center dedicated to serving anyone with or without a gender or sexuality – UW students, staff, faculty, alum, and community members.  They host and support student groups, put on regular programming events, house a lending library, and amplify student voices on their Student Blog.  Explore their website for more information or stop by the Husky Union Building, Room 315 http://depts.washington.edu/qcenter/wordpress/


Guidelines for Communicating With Faculty

The unwritten rules of academia are often difficult to decipher. This article attempts to demystify some conventions surrounding communicating with faculty. It is a bit tongue-in-cheek, but it has some good guidelines:



Students in Distress

Graduate schooling is a period of high stress. If you encounter psychological problems that interfere with your life as a student, services are available to you at Hall Health at 206.583.1551 during business hours or 206.731.2500 after hours, http://depts.washington.edu/hhpccweb/


Food Insecurity

If you have difficulty accessing sufficient food or lack a safe and stable place to live, and if you believe this need may affect your academic achievement, you are urged to contact the Office of Student Life at http://www.washington.edu/studentlife/. Please also be aware that the Campus Food Pantry (green.uw.edu) is available to help address food insecurity in the UW community.










COURSE SCHEDULE (Subject to change)

Week 1

Mon: 1/4. General introduction to the course

General introductions, introduction to the syllabus and assignments, discussion of student and teacher expectations from the course,


Wed: 1/6. Language, Learning, and Teaching

Required Readings:

  • ULT Chapter 1- Language: Concepts and Precepts
  • ULT Chapter 2 - Learning: Factors and Processes
  • ULT Chapter 3 - Teaching: Input and Interaction

While reading attend to the following:

  • How is language explained as a system, as discourse and as ideology in Chapter 1?
  • The intake framework outlined in Chapter 2: Are its various elements clearly elucidated?
  • The complex relationship between input and interaction on the one hand and intake factors and intake processes on the other hand in Chapter 3.

Sign-up for: (i) Teaching Method Demonstrations and (ii) In-Class Seminar


Week 2

Mon 1/11. Language Teaching Methods: Conceptual Issues

Required Readings:

  • ULT Chapter 4: Constituents and Categories of Methods
  • ULT Chapter 5: Language-Centered Methods
  • ULT Chapter 6: Learner-Centered Methods
  • ULT Chapter 7: Learning-Centered Methods

While reading think of the following:

  • The differentiation between method and methodology, and between approach, method, and technique.
  • The distinction between language-, learner-, and learning-centered methods


Due: Language Teaching Autobiography on Canvas.


Wed 1/13. Language Teaching Methods and Approaches Demonstrations

Required Reading:

  • AMLT Sections I and II (Note: Each student must select two of the methods/approaches) from these sections for their demonstrations for this week) 

Language Teaching Method Demonstrations (AMLT):

  1. Oral Approach and Situational Language Learning
  2. The Audiolingual Method
  • Communicative Language Teaching
  1. Content-Based Instruction and Language Integrated Learning
  2. Whole Language
  3. Competency-Based Language Teaching, standards, and the Common European Framework of Reference
  • Task-Based Language Teaching
  • Text-Based Instruction


Week 3


Mon 1/18 MLK Day No class


Wed 1/20. Language Teaching Methods and Approaches Demonstrations contd.

Required Reading:

  • AMLT Section II

Language Teaching Method Demonstrations (AMLT) contd.:

  1. The Lexical Approach
  2. Multiple Intelligences
  • Cooperative Language Learning
  1. The Natural Approach
  2. Total Physical Response
  3. The Silent Way
  • Community Language Learning
  • Suggestopedia


Week 4


Mon 1/25 Postmethod

Required Readings:

  • Pennycook, A. (1989). The Concept of Method, Interested Knowledge, and the Politics of Language Teaching. TESOL Quarterly 23 (4), 589-618.
  • ULT Chapter 8: Postmethod Condition.

While reading think about the following:

  • What arguments were levelled against specific methods by the writers.
  • What are the specific elements of the postmethod condition as described in ULT?
  • To what extent can you relate these readings to your language learning and teaching experiences?


Wed 1/27. Postmethod contd.

Required Readings:

  • ULT Chapter 9: Postmethod Pedagogy. (read pp. 185-198)
  • ULT Chapter 10: Postmethod Predicament
  • Prabhu, N. S. (1990). There Is No Best Method - Why? TESOL Quarterly 24 (2), 161-76.

In-Class Seminar 1

Name of student conducting the seminar:


Week 5


Mon 2/1. Macrostrategies for Language Teaching

Required Readings:

  • BM Chapter 1: Conceptualizing Teaching Acts
  • BM Chapter 3: Maximizing Learning Opportunities
  • BM: Chapter 4: Minimizing Perceptual Mismatches

In-Class Seminar 2

Name of student conducting the seminar:


Wed 2/3. Macrostrategies for Language Teaching contd.

Required Readings:

  • BM Chapter 5: Facilitating Negotiated Interaction
  • BM Chapter 6: Promoting Learner Autonomy
  • BM Chapter 7: Fostering Language Awareness

In-Class Seminar 3

Name of student conducting the seminar:


Week 6


Mon 2/8. Macrostrategies for Language Teaching contd.

Required Readings:

  • BM Chapter 8: Activating Intuitive Heuristics
  • BM Chapter 9: Contextualizing Linguistic Input
  • BM Chapter 10: Integrating Language Skills


In-Class Seminar 4

Name of student conducting the seminar:


Wed 2/10. Macrostrategies for Language Teaching contd.

Required Readings:

  • BM Chapter 11: Ensuring Social Relevance
  • BM Chapter 12: Ensuring Cultural Consciousness


In-Class Seminar 5 (Must include one additional outside source)

Name of student conducting the seminar:


Week 7

Mon 2/15. President’s day (No class)


Wed 2/17 Materials Development

Required Readings:

  • MD Chapter 1: Introduction
  • MD Chapter 2: Principled Materials Development
  • MD Chapter 3: Materials, Methods, and Contexts

                  And either

  • MD Chapter 4: Evaluation and Adaptation


  • MD Chapter 5: Reconceptualizing Materials for the Technological Environment


In-Class Seminar 6 (Only the class leader today needs to read all 5 chapters; The class leader may

                               include one fewer outside source)

Name of student conducting the seminar:





Week 8


Mon 2/22. Materials Development: Reading and Listening Skills

Required Readings:

  • MD Chapter 6: Materials to Develop Reading and Listening Skills
  • Grabe, W. (2004). Research on Teaching Reading. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 24, 44-69.
  • O’Brien, A. and Hegelheimer, V. (2007). Integrating CALL into the classroom: The role of podcasting in an ESL listening strategies course. ReCALL 19 (2): 162-180.


Due: Email TJ a blurb about your final project (what kind of project it is and what is the topic)

In-Class Seminar 7

Name of student conducting the seminar:




Wed 2/24 Materials Development: Speaking and Writing Skills

Required Readings:

  • MD Chapter 7: Materials to Develop Speaking and Writing Skills
  • McCarthy, M. and O’Keeffe, A. (2004). Research in the teaching of speaking. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 24, 26-43.
  • Silva, T. and Brice, C. (2004). Research in Teaching Writing. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 24, 70-106.

In-Class Seminar 8

Name of student conducting the seminar:




Week 9


Mon 3/1. Materials Development: Vocabulary and Grammar

Required Readings:

  • MD Chapter 8: Materials for Vocabulary and Grammar
  • Schmitt, N. (2008). Review Article: Instructed Second Language Vocabulary Learning. Language Teaching Research, 12 (3), 329-363.
  • Nation, I. S. P. (2011). Research into practice: Vocabulary. Language Teaching, 44, 529-539.
  • Ellis, R. (2006). Current Issues in the Teaching of Grammar: An SLA Perspective. TESOL

            Quarterly, 40, 1: 83-107.

In-Class Seminar 9

Name of student conducting the seminar:



Wed 3/3. Peer-Review of TESOL Methods/Materials Development Project with Peers

  • Bring a draft of your paper to class. You will be paired with people writing on a topic similar to yours if possible, for the peer review. You will read and discuss the papers of at least two other colleagues. Feel free to continue these discussions outside of the class.


Preparation prior to class: You are required to share digital copies of a current draft of your paper with your classmates. This should include sections that you have written up as well as your outlines and ideas for the other parts. For people working on Options 2 and 3, your drafts can additionally include course outlines, Lesson Plans, materials for specific activities, descriptions of assignments and their criteria, course descriptions, brief accounts of the student population and setting, a list of references for substantiating various parts of your paper, etc. For people working on Option 1, your draft should include descriptions of the approach/method, the main strengths and challenges, any gaps in extant literature on the topic, list of references, etc.


Additionally, I urge everyone to include ongoing questions and challenges that you are encountering and for which you would like feedback from your classmates. Please mention your option on top of the first page of your draft. This will ease the reviewing process. Ideally, I would like everyone to read and respond to two other papers. In preparation for this peer review and discussion, please e-mail me a 2-3 line blurb about your project one week ahead of this class. This will enable me to pair you with people who are working on similar projects.



Week 10

Mon 3/8. TESOL Methods/Materials Development Project Presentations

  • Come to class prepared for a 20-minute presentation of your TESOL Materials Development Project. Share digital copies of 1-2 page handout.



Wed 3/10. TESOL Methods/Materials Development Project Presentations and Course Evaluation

  • Come to class prepared for a 20-minute presentation of your TESOL Materials Development Project. Share digital copies of 1-2 page handout and reference list.
  • Class Evaluations
  • TESOL Methods/Materials Development Projects due on Canvas Friday, March 12th by 5.00 pm





















Catalog Description:
Prerequisite: LING 445 or permission of instructor.
Last updated:
March 3, 2025 - 5:12 pm