The Expository Writing Program is proud to announce the recipients for the 2020-2021 Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Collaboration Grant. This grant is for graduate student groups and is focused on developing composition curriculum, teacher resources, and research initiatives that center issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in the writing classroom. Additionally, this grant seeks to support projects that promote more equitable, inclusive, diverse, accessible, and socially just writing practices, curriculum, and classrooms and that contribute to our teaching community, encourage collaboration, and nurture professional growth. You can read more about the EWP seed grant and application process here.
Four collaboration groups were selected in at the end of Autumn Quarter 2020 and are working on projects in Winter and Spring 2021 that range from a roundtable on climate writing to exploring how to better implement autoethnography writing practices in the classroom. Please look for announcements concerning these activities on the English Newsfeed and Newsletter.
You can find the project titles and links to the project teams below:
Building an Afropessimist Archive for EWP Curricula
Participants: Gust Burns, Brittney Frantece, Patrick McGowan & Luis Resendez
The Chorus: Artistic Responses as Academic Discourse
Participants: Brittney Frantece, Rasheena Fountain, Nanya Jhingran & Danielle Brown
Responding to Student Precarity and Marginalization in the English 109/110 Classroom
Participants: Anselma Widha Prihandita & Alec Fisher