Charlie Jones, an English major from Tukwila, is one of fifteen University of Washington students recently awarded Bonderman Travel Fellowships that will enable them to embark on solo journeys that are at least eight months long and take them to at least two regions and six countries of the world.
These fellowships, established in 1995 and worth $20,000 each, aim to expose students to the intrinsic, often life-changing, benefits of international travel. While traveling, students may not pursue academic study, projects or research. UW graduate students, professional students and undergraduate students are eligible to apply.
Charlie plans to undertake a solitary, meditative journey to explore the unifying language of art. In traveling she plans to draw and interact with people and cultures to further comprehend the interconnected stories of a global community and to expand the limited margins of her own comprehension. She will travel to South Africa, Zimbabwe, India, Nepal, China, and Russia.