Frances McCue: Timber Curtain and Town Hall Talk

Submitted by Robert D Weller on
Photo credit, Madeleine Greaves

Frances McCue's recently published Timber Curtain (Chin Music Press, 2017) is her fourth book of poems. A previous book, The Bled, won the 2011 Washington State Book Award for poetry.  McCue, a senior lecturer in the English department, co-founded Seattle's Hugo House and served as its director from 1996-2006. Timber Curtain offers a sustained reflection on the demolition of the original Hugo House and was recently featured in this UW News article.  

On Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 7:30pm in Pigott Auditorium at Seattle University, McCue will be joined by former Seattle mayoral candidate Cary Moon to discuss her latest collection of poems and the changing face of our city.  In this Town Hall event, Moon, an urban planner, and McCue will explore the "intersection of art and urban planning."  For more information and tickets, visit

