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Celebrate Frances McCue’s and Sarah Faulkner's achievements at Awards of Excellence ceremony on June 7

Submitted by Robert D Weller on May 30, 2018 - 10:29pm
medallion engraved with UW seal

Frances McCue, senior lecturer, has received a Distinguished Teaching Award

According to one of Frances’s nomination letters, “Her class is… a celebration of the longstanding and ongoing excellence of our English and humanities departments. McCue’s energy and clear investments in the lives of her students help show them the interconnectedness between their lives and their readings; the course is not merely an academic exercise, it is a meditation on our lives and situations. Everyone can treasure the gift of so smart, generous and caring a scholar.”

Sarah Faulkner, instructor and Ph.D. candidate, has received an Excellence in Teaching Award

According to one of Sarah’s nomination letters, “Sarah's caring mind towards individual students and her passion to stay everyone positive both inside and outside the classroom had help me feel comfortable in this course and allowed me to thrive my knowledge.” 

Please celebrate Frances’ and Sarah's outstanding achievements by attending the Awards of Excellence Ceremony in Meany Hall on June 7 at 3:30 p.m.

The program includes a one-hour ceremony hosted by President Ana Mari Cauce and Provost and Executive Vice President Jerry Baldasty, followed by a reception with hors d’oeuvres, desserts, a photo booth, and a chance to connect and celebrate with your team members and the rest of the UW community. Please invite your colleagues, friends and family!

Read more about the Awards of Excellence and see a complete list of this year’s winners.
