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Critical Classroom Event: Equity-Based Curricula for Incoming TAs to Teach Collaboratively

Submitted by Jacob Dwaine Huebsch on November 20, 2018 - 9:18am

When: Tuesday, November 27th. 10:00-11:00

Where: Simpson Center CMU 204

This workshop is a discussion of the materials which came out of "Equity-Based Curricula for Incoming TAs to Teach Collaboratively," a cluster of EWP’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Cluster Grant. Participants Lubna Alzaroo, Laura De Vos, Michelle Dinh, Max Lane, Matthew Howard, and Matthew Hitchman developed and taught curricula that centered race and equity, and archived material intended to be taught simultaneously by TAs as a way of offering additional support for anti-racist pedagogical practices. This workshop is meant as a way to familiarize TAs with the material gathered under this rubric, the EWP archive itself, and to discuss strategies for teaching collaboratively.

This workshop is part of the Critical Classroom series. For more information please see the following details about this workshop series:

Critical Classrooms

The Critical Classrooms workshop series offers presentations, round-tables, and opportunities to workshop materials aimed at preparing instructors for working in diverse institutional settings and classrooms by building their capacities to address power dynamics and respond to imbalances that arise in their classrooms. We understand issues of power as being central to everyone’s teaching and learning experiences; these may not be visible in the same way for everyone but they operate nonetheless. Ultimately, we see the workshop series as an opportunity to work toward equity, anti-racism, and inclusion in our pedagogical practices.

Among others, topics for workshops may include:

  • Building critical awareness and capacities in instructors to recognize power in the classroom and subsequently be responsive to it in their pedagogy

  • Providing and developing resources for instructors including, but not limited to, teaching materials, course scaffolding, teaching philosophies, and pedagogical essays

  • Collaborating with other University of Washington and community groups to address topics related to power and pedagogy

  • Incorporating critical awareness of power into ongoing professional development

For more information, please contact one of the 109/110 EWP Assistant Directors Matthew Hitchman at or Patrick McGowan at
