English 110 Research Symposium — March 9 at 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.

Submitted by Jacob Dwaine Huebsch on

You are invited to the English 110 Research Symposium on Wednesday, March 9 at 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. During this event, students across English 110 will share their final research projects and posters on various topics and disciplines including: literature and culture, health and medicine, and the academic institution. The posters will also be on display in the Allen Library from March 9-28.

Use this link or the QR code on the flyer to register and get access to the zoom link for the two virtual events, and make your plans to visit the poster display between March 9-28.

English 110 is the second course in the Expository Writing Program’s stretch composition series. In this course series, students approach writing as social action and language as tied to identity, culture, and power. Centering diverse language resources and discourse traditions, the course builds rhetorical capacities for composing ethically, critically, and impactfully across different contexts, audiences, genres, and goals in the university and beyond.

The symposium is emerging from a collaboration among EWP Assistant Director Anselma Widha Prihandita and English 110 instructors Taiko Aoki-Marcial, Hunter Little, and Jacob Wilson. The symposium is being hosted by the Expository Writing Program and has been made possible through sponsorship from the English Department, the Educational Opportunity Program, the Odegaard Writing and Research Center, and University Libraries, as well as through support from Student-Athlete Academic Services, Undergraduate Research, and CLUE.

ENGL 110 Symposium Flyer March 9 at 9:30 & 12:30
