Arna Elezovic

Graduate Student
Predoctoral Instructor
Interdisciplinary Writing Program
Arna Elezovic's profile picture

Contact Information


M.A, History, University of Washington, 2014
B.A., Philosophy, St. John's College (Annapolis and Santa Fe), 1998
Curriculum Vitae (175.58 KB)

Arna Elezovic is a PhD Graduate in History at the University of Washington. She is currently a visiting assistant professor at Western Washington University, but was an instructor for the UW Department of English Interdisciplinary Writing Program for three years. She has also taught her own comparative history course on the history of archaeology in the Mediterranean world during summer quarters at the UW. Her research focuses on how an ancient past was constructed for western Europe by an ethnographic travelogue and journalism of Sir Arthur Evans, who was later known for his archaeological work on Crete. She has been a former compliance analyst and technical writer in human subjects research.

Courses Taught

Spring 2021

Winter 2021

Additional Courses

I had the great pleasure to create and teach my own comparative history class, which was offered during summer 2017 full term. Here is a brief description:

HSTCMP 290: Indiana Jones and Archaeology in the Mediterranean World. Tomb robbers, adventurers, spies, and gentlemen (and some women) travelers played a central but problematic role in developing the modern discipline of archaeology. This course used the lives of such travelers, their archaeological discoveries, and well-known artifacts as case studies to explore the themes of the “rediscovery” of the ancient world and concurrent imperialism around the Mediterranean from 1700s to the 20th century.

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