Praxis 2017 CFP

Learning Through Doing

Crafting Meaning through Making-Oriented Pedagogy

January 20, 2016 | 9.30-3 | Haggett Hall (Cascade Rooms) | University of Washington

The English Department Writing Programs’ third annual Praxis Conference invites proposals that generate conversations about the impacts of pedagogical practices that emphasize writing as an active, meaning-making rhetorical activity. Definitions of writing have broadened to include all sorts of texts (e.g. podcasts, 3D objects, comics, and guerilla theatre). New critical pedagogical approaches have developed to support student-centered learning alongside this expanded definition of writing work. Praxis Conference 2017 invites participants to share how theoretical understandings of making-oriented pedagogy (such as multimodality, digital humanities, community-engaged writing, and critical pedagogy) are put into practice, how that practice re-informs our theoretical understandings, and possible future directions for making-oriented pedagogy.

We welcome proposals from UW teachers, UW-affiliated K-12 teachers, students, administrators, staff, and from other organizations working in partnership with UW. Proposals should be for one of the following types of presentations: (1) 15 minute presentation from one to two presenters, (2) 45 minute panel from multiple presenters proposing three related presentations, (3) a topic related to the conference theme about which the presenter(s) will facilitate a small 30 minute roundtable discussion with audience members, or (4) a poster and verbal explanation of that poster for the poster-session.   

Some possible topics include:

  • Multimodal composition
  • Embodied or kinesthetic pedagogical approaches
  • Service learning or community activism
  • Project-based learning
  • Makerspaces and Workshops
  • Flipping the classroom
  • Digital Humanities

Please feel free to contact the conference chair, Jacki Fiscus (, or co-chair, Holly Shelton (, if you have any questions.

Proposals should be 300-500 words and submitted as an email attachment to  Please include:

  • The type of presentation (15 minute presentation, 45 minute panel, 30 minute roundtable discussion, or poster-session) 

  • The title of the presentation

  • The presenter’s name(s), professional title(s) affiliation(s), and email(s).

Deadline for submissions: November 10th, 2016 by 11:59 pm 

Acceptance Notification by: November 18th, 2016 by 5:00 pm