Year 2: Equity-Based Curriculum for Incoming TAs to Teach Collaboratively

This project aims to continue to the work of Lubna Alzaroo, Laura DeVos, and Matthew Hitchman,
recipients of the Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Collaboration Grants for 2017-2018. Inspired by their project,
Equity-Based Curricula for Incoming TAs to Teach Collaboratively,” we aim to contribute to their archive
of teaching materials by creating two additional sets of curricula that center equity-based pedagogy.

Over the next two quarters, this project aims to create two additional sets of curricula with different themes; we are
grateful to Lubna, Laura, and Matthew’s work as they have already created two amazing sets of curricula:
“Borders and Migration” and “Race and Pop Culture.” The two tentative themes for the new curriculum sets
are “Storytelling and Power” and “Race and Social Media.” By providing a wide variety of themes, we hope
incoming TAs will be encouraged to find a theme that works well within their individual and academic
interests. We also aim to make these themes broad enough so that both teachers and students will recognize
that, despite their individual investments and positionalities, these are issues that they can think deeply about
and work towards understanding.
