This list is by no means exhaustive. These books and articles are ones that have come to our attention as good places for English majors to start.
- What Are you Going to Do With That? A podcast where we explore everyday folks’ decisions to study the humanities as undergraduates and their pathways to fulfilling careers!…
- George Anders's book You Can Do Anything
- Richard Detweiler's The Evidence the Liberal Arts Needs
- The Myth of the English Major Barista. The old joke that consigns people who graduate with English degrees to a permanent life in food service says less about them and more about our culture, writes Robert Matz. Read more here:
- In the Salary Race, Engineers Spring but English Majors Endure…
- Why Worthless Humanities Degrees May Set You Up For Life. BBC…
- Humanizing Technology Why the liberal arts are at the center of innovation…
- English Grads, Brilliant Careers, from UW Arts & Sciences Perspectives.
- 11 Reasons to Major in the Humanites-i-…
- The Best Argument for Studying English? The Employment Numbers from The Atlantic Monthly.
- The Business Case for Reading Novels, Harvard Business Review.
- Why I Hire English Majors, Huffington Post.
- Why English Majors are the Hot New Hires from OpenForum.
- What Employers Look For When Hiring Recent Graduates, from The Atlantic Monthly.
- Five Things You Can Do in College to Stand Out in the Job Market as a Writer,
- A Surprising Success Story: Jobs in the Arts & Humanities, from The Huffington Post.
- 8 College Degrees That Will Earn Your Money Back from
- The Difference Humanities Makes in Business from Forbes.
- Logitech CEO: "I Love Hiring English Majors" from Business Insider.
- So You Got an English Degree... Now What?, from MSN Careerbuilder.
- What Can I Do With My English Major? UW Career Center.
- Reality Check on an Old Myth: the "Unemployable" Liberal Arts Major, UW Transfer Newsletter.
- Eight Reasons Not to Get a Business Degree, CBS News.
- Silicon Valley Needs Humanities Students, Entrepreneur.
- An English Degree Can Translate Into Opportunity, Washington Post.
- A Liberal Take On Hiring, Bloomberg Businessweek.
- Jobs for English Majors: They Do Exist, from The Salary Reporter.
- Five Ways to Turn That English Degree Into a Real Job, The Fiscal Times.
- What Light Through Yonder Recession Breaks: English Majors Can Get Tech Jobs Too, from BetaBeat.
- English Majors Can Overcome the Stereotype, Use Their Degree in the Job Market, The Daily Emerald.
- What Do Employers Really Want from College Grads?from American Public Media.
- Best Paying Jobs for English Majors, from Monster Career Advice.
- 5 Jobs That Let You Put Your English Major to Use, by AfterCollege.
- At Sea in a Deluge of Data, from The Chronicle of Higher Education.
- Engineering or Liberal Arts? Who's Right? from TechCrunch.
- Why Getting a Liberal Arts Education is Not a Mistake, from Forbes.
- Why Every Tech Company Needs an English Major by ReadWrite.
Linked to UW Libraries pages:
- Great Jobs for English Majors, Julie Degalan and Stephen Lambert (McGraw-Hill, 2006)
- Good Work:When Excellence and Ethics Meet, Howard Gardner, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, William Damon (Basic Books, 2002)
- Why Choose the Liberal Arts?, Mark William Roche (University of Notre Dame Press, 2010)
- I'm an English Major - Now What? How English Majors Can Find Happiness, Success, and a Real Job, Timothy Lemire (Writer's Digest Books, 2006)
- Smart Moves for Liberal Arts Grads: Finding a Path to Your Perfect Career, Sheila Curran (Ten Speed Press, 2006)
- What Can You Do With an English Major? Real People, Real Jobs, Real Rewards, Shelley O'Hara (Cliffs Notes, 2005)
- Jobs for English Majors and Other Smart People, (Peterson's Press, 1991)