ENGL 210 A: Medieval and Early Modern Literature, 400 to 1600

Winter 2022
TTh 2:30pm - 4:20pm / SMI 305
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

English 210: Medieval and Early Modern Literature: 400 to 1600

The course will provide a lively and wide-ranging introduction to the literature of the Middle Ages and Early Modern Periods, an introduction which will attempt to place texts remote from the modern age in their social and historical contexts.  Students will read, discuss, and analyze some of the best-known poems of the Old and Middle English periods (including Beowulf), as well as a selection of lesser-known Old English poems; medieval romance literature, including Sir Gawain and the Green Knight; and Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. The discussion of Early Modern texts will be supported by discussion of the reception of the main course texts by 16th-century authors, from Wyatt to Spenser and Shakespeare. There will be a mid-term, a second exam in Week Nine of the course (but, however, no Final during Finals Week), a major term paper, and opportunities to produce additional shorter papers for Extra Credit.  The two brief (50-minute), Catalyst-based examinations will be offered in two formats, both in a single 50-minute period during one of the "Live" sessions, and in a 100% Asynchronous format that can be opened and completed (again in a 50-minute period) at any point over a period  of about four days (Thurs. noon until Sunday midnight).

The intention is for this seminar to meet at least 50% on campus (supplemented even there, however, by remote viewing options, forums, and recordings, which will be provided generously to any seminar members who may require them), with perhaps 20% (or more, but no more than 50%) being conducted wholly online.

Course Texts:

Hamer, Richard, trans., A Choice of Anglo-Saxon Verse, 2nd ed. (Faber, 2015)
Heaney, Seamus, trans., Beowulf: A New Verse Trans. (dual-lang. ed.) (Norton, 2001)
Winny, James trans., Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Broadview, 1992)
Beidler, Peter, trans. Chaucer: Canterbury Tales, rev. ed. (Bantam, 2006)
Early Modern Texts of the Sixteenth Century (Handouts)

Catalog Description:
Introduces literature from the Middle Ages and the Age of Shakespeare, focusing on major works that have shaped the development of literary and intellectual traditions of these periods. Offered: AWSp.
GE Requirements Met:
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Writing (W)
Last updated:
February 13, 2025 - 6:44 pm