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Fields of Interest
After completing my doctoral studies in Rhetoric at Carnegie Mellon in 2021, I worked as a postdoctoral teaching fellow in Technical Communication and Rhetoric at Utah State University. While at USU, I developed a hybrid technical communication pedagogy grounded in linguistic justice, equitable and effective teamwork, and praxis-oriented genre studies. I love looking closely with students at writing, design, and multimedia text to think about the stakes and significance of varied communication design decisions.
Along with my teaching, I maintain an active research agenda in technical and professional communication, rhetoric, and discourse studies. My work has been published in Technical Communication Quarterly, Written Communication, and The Journal of English Linguistics.
When I'm not designing or teaching technical/professional communication courses, I'm often working on re:verb, a podcast that I co-founded in 2018 along with Dr. Alex Helberg (Trinity College). re:verb is a public scholarship project designed to make academic knowledge about rhetoric, discourse, and politics more accessible to public audiences and more relevant to public issues.