Chris Holstrom (he/him/his)

Assistant Teaching Professor
Headshot of Chris Holstrom

Contact Information

PDL A-21
Office Hours
MW 10-12


Ph.D., Information Science, University of Washington, 2023
M.S., Information Science, University of Washington, 2020
M.S., Technical Communication, University of Washington, 2002
B.A., English, Gustavus Adolphus College, 2000
B.A., Physics, Gustavus Adolphus College, 2000
Curriculum Vitae (116.67 KB)

I am an assistant teaching professor in the English Department at the University of Washington, specializing in technical and professional writing. As an enthusiastic proponent of cross-disciplinary work, I also teach courses in science writing, library science, and data science. My research interests are primarily in knowledge organization, where I study the social and cultural aspects of subject indexing and subject tagging. I am excited to expand on my research by finding connections between knowledge organization and technical writing. Before I returned to academia, I worked at Google and IBM as a technical writer, technical editor, and technical writing manager for 15 years.

You can find my publications in my Google Scholar Profile.

Courses Taught

Autumn 2024

Summer 2024

Spring 2024

Winter 2024

Autumn 2023

Winter 2021

Autumn 2020

Spring 2020

Additional Courses

Additional Courses

  • LIS 531: Catalogs, Cataloging, and Classification
  • INFO 498 D: Special Topics in Informatics - Tagging as a Social and Technical Information System
  • INFO 330 B: Databases and Data Modeling
  • LIS 530: Organization of Information and Resources
  • ENGL 199: Interdisciplinary Writing/Natural Science
  • INFO 201: Technical Foundations in Informatics
  • TC 426: Introduction to Computer Software User Assistance
  • TC 231: Introduction to Technical Writing 


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