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The submitted value 251 in the interests element is not allowed.People - Faculty
For Teaching Assistants, please see the Graduate Student directory.
Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement
Russell F. Stark University Professor / 206-543-6616Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement
Russell F. Stark University Professor
Office Hours: By Appt
GRB 340
Professor / 206-543-8635Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 2:30-3:30, in-person in my office, and by appointment, either in person or over Zoom; email for appointments.
PDL B-424
Faculty Mentor, Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Teaching Professor / 2063879697Teaching Professor
Office Hours: TuTh 3:30 pm-4:20 pm and by appointment
PDL A-420
Assistant Professor
jradocay@uw.eduOffice Hours: M 11:30-12:30 (in-person); W 3:30-4:30 (virtual); and by appointment
PDL B-403
Director of the Simpson Center for the Humanities
Lockwood Professor in the Humanities / 206-543-3920Director of the Simpson Center for the Humanities
Lockwood Professor in the Humanities
Office Hours: BY Appt
COMM 206