The June Yeakel Barnes and Robert Hardy Barnes English Department “Wings to London” Scholarship
Thanks to the generosity of donors June Yeakel Barnes, Robert Hardy Barnes, and their children, the English Department’s Spring in London Program will be awarding scholarships of $200 and up to declared or ready to declare English majors participating in the Spring in London Program. Recipients are encouraged to apply their awards towards airfare, one of the few expenses not covered by the Program.
Eligibility Requirements:
- You must be a confirmed participant (payment contract submitted) in the Spring in London Program for 2023.
- You must be a declared English Major or ready to declare your English Major on or before the due date of this application.
- You must be in good academic standing at the University of Washington: not on academic probation or drop status.
Application Requirements and Entailments:
- Completed 1-page Wings To London Scholarship Application Form (see below).
- A thoughtful 700-word essay in response to the following:
Wings to London Essay Prompt
Write a 700 word essay in response to the following question or questions.
The first question is a required prompt; the second is optional.
- How do you see the Spring in London Program enriching your English studies at the University of Washington? (Required)
- This program is especially aware of those who face or have faced financial challenges, and / or are first generation college students. (Congratulations—or as the Brits say: Cheers!) How might a “Wings to London” award make a difference to you? (Optional)
All submissions are confidential, read only by the application committee.
We encourage you to give your essay a creative title and to proofread your essay carefully for grammatical errors and the like, particularly since this is an award recognizing English majors. Please put the word count at the bottom of the page. Essays are assessed on the basis of style as well as substance. All responses will be confidential.
Application Deadline: 5 pm PST Friday, February 10, 2023. Email applications to the Creative Writing Program ( in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format. As your email’s subject line please type: "[Your last name]: Wings to London application". If at all possible, please submit the Application Form and Application Essay as a single document. That said, 2 separate documents will be accepted. Program staff and faculty are not available for any technical advice on this matter.
Scholarship award funds may be used to cover program travel or program expenses. While encouraged to do so, recipients are not required to use scholarship award funds for airfare.
- Should a student withdraw from the Program, the award funds must be returned to the Department of English.
- The UW Department of English Spring in London Program is open to students from all majors. However, “Wings to London” scholarship funds come from an English Department donor and can only be awarded to declared English Majors (see eligibility criteria above).
Wings to London Scholarship Application Form <new application link to come for 2024>