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Rebecca Taylor is a doctoral candidate in the University of Washington’s Department of English. She served as an Assistant Director for UW in the High School from 2021-2023 and is currently a Research Assistant for Writing@UW.
Her teaching experience spans more than a decade, including her role as a founding member of the University of Hong Kong’s Digital Literacy Lab. She has also worked as an English Language Fellow in Indonesia and as an editor in Korea and Seattle. Her time teaching at Edmonds College fueled her passion for research focused on two-year institutions, particularly in the areas of composition and English for Academic Purposes.
Her research interests are situated at the intersection of multimodal literacies, digital literacies, and faculty development for multimodal writing instruction. Her current work explores how critical multimodal literacies can be integrated into Writing in the Disciplines (WID) and Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) programs to promote antiracist, equitable, and inclusive pedagogies.