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The submitted value 315 in the interests element is not allowed.People - Faculty
For Teaching Assistants, please see the Graduate Student directory.
Associate Professor
Director, Undergraduate Programs
sclare@uw.eduDirector, Undergraduate Programs
Office Hours: TH 12:45 - 1:45 and by appointment
PDL A-419
Professor / 907-687-7755Office Hours: T 1:30 - 300 PM
PDL B-430 & B-025 Creative Writing Director's Office
Assistant Professor
dsishii@uw.eduOffice Hours: M 5:30-6:30; Th 3:00-4:00 (zoom); by appointment
PDL B-419
Teaching Professor
Joint Appointment with Comparative History of Ideas (CHID)
anu@uw.eduJoint Appointment with Comparative History of Ideas (CHID)
Office Hours: by appointment
virtual office hours
Part-time Lecturer
dgwilson@uw.eduOffice Hours: W 2-4pm (in person); Th 8:30-10:30am (virtual)
PDL 402B