People - Graduate Students & TAs
Graduate Student
Predoctoral Student
Liaison, UW in the High School
jenba@uw.eduPredoctoral Student
Liaison, UW in the High School
Graduate Student
Predoctoral Instructor
aduncan1@uw.eduPredoctoral Instructor
Office Hours: MW 11-12
PDL B5-C (Padelford B wing, PL level, room B5C)
Graduate Student
Predoctoral Instructor / 661-428-4472Predoctoral Instructor
Office Hours: MW 11-12
Padelford Hall B5J
Graduate Student
Predoctoral Instructor
arielsep@uw.eduPredoctoral Instructor
Graduate Student
Predoctoral Instructor
jwolfra@uw.eduPredoctoral Instructor
Office Hours: Tu/Th 12:30-1:30PM or by appt.
PDL B5N (*B wing, bottom floor)