William Streitberger


Contact Information

PDL A-510
Office Hours
TuTh 11:30


B.A., University of Kansas, 1969
M.A., University of Illinois, 1971
Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1973

Areas of Specialization

Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century British History, Literature, and Drama; world drama; textual theory and practice.

Activities and Interests

W. R. Streitberger has written six books and several dozen articles. His principal historical focus has been on entertainments at the Tudor and Stuart courts. More generally he is interested in drama and theatricality from the beginning to the present. He has also taught the core course in Printed Texts in the Interdisciplinary Textual Studies Program, where another of his interests is in theory and practice of documentary editing. His current research and writing is focused on the diplomatic and historical writings of Edmund Tilney, Master of the Revels (1579-1601) and Censor of Plays (1581-1610) during most of Shakespeare's working lifetime. The project is tentatively entitled 'Shakespeare's Censor'.


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