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The submitted value 299 in the interests element is not allowed.People - Faculty
For Teaching Assistants, please see the Graduate Student directory.
Full-time Lecturer
eringil@uw.eduOffice Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:30-12:30 and by appointment
Padelford (LL) B 28
Teaching Professor / 206-931-3779Office Hours: On Leave from Teaching 2024-2025 Academic Year
Padelford B434
Professor / 206-543-2247Office Hours: Friday, 2-4 pm. Or email to arrange phone call/Zoom meeting.
PDL A414
Professor / 206-543-4264. As I rarely check messages on this number, it's much better to email me.Office Hours: Not teaching. Office hours by appointment. Please email.
Padelford B-431