News Archive

Image Title Published
Conflict in Classrooms
Tressa Thomas Selected as a 2017 Bonderman Fellow
Teaching Award Applications Beginning
Expository Writing Program Townhall - "Teaching in this Moment"
Still frames from the documentary:  I Think You're Totally Wrong: A Quarrel
I Think You're Totally Wrong:  A Quarrel
Computer Integrated Classrooms Workshop
Three Students from the English Department Chosen for the 2017 Husky 100
Hsinmei Lin Selected as the 2017-2018 Kollar Fellow
Nalo Hopkinson
Nalo Hopkinson to Give Charles Johnson Lecture
Professor Jesse Oak Taylor a National Finalist for a Prize in Ecocriticism
Whan That Aprile Day
Erik Jaccard wins the Louis and Hermoine Brown Publication Prize
Sharmila Mukherjee is awarded the Heilman Dissertation Prize
Kelsey Fanning wins Johnson Prize
Medina, Bergstrom, and Wang seated
Medina, Bergstrom, and Wang Receive Catalyst Tech Grant
New Book by Professor Sandhu
English Department Statement, January 2017
Professor Ibrahim Wins a Prize for Best Essay of the Year
Faculty Publish New Books
Two English Department Faculty and a Doctoral Candidate Win Fellowships
Faculty Emeriti Luncheon
Anis Bawashi
A Note From the Chair / Anis Bawarshi
English Department Welcomes New Faculty
Robert McNamara
Faculty Profile / Robert McNamara
Ryan Bort
Alumnae Profile / Ryan Bort