People - Faculty
For Teaching Assistants, please see the Graduate Student directory.
Andrew R. Hilen Professor of American Literature and Culture
Director of Graduate Studies / 206-543-6077Andrew R. Hilen Professor of American Literature and Culture
Director of Graduate Studies
Office Hours: Weds 1-3 and by appt
PDL A-105
Nancy K. Ketcham Endowed Chair of English / N/ANancy K. Ketcham Endowed Chair of English
Office Hours: T: 1-2 pm (office), or by appt
PDL B-401
Full-time Lecturer
amgilb@uw.eduOffice Hours: MTW 11:00 - 12:00, Th 2:30-3:30; and by appointment
PDL A-403
Full-time Lecturer
eringil@uw.eduOffice Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:30-12:30 and by appointment
Padelford (LL) B 28
Teaching Professor
Director, Computer-Integrated Courses / 206-543-4892Director, Computer-Integrated Courses
Office Hours: Fridays, 4-6 p.m. via Zoom; Term A only
PDL A-305
Assistant Professor
dsishii@uw.eduOffice Hours: M 5:30-6:30; Th 3:00-4:00 (zoom); by appointment
PDL B-419
Faculty Mentor, Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Teaching Professor / 2063879697Teaching Professor
Office Hours: TuTh 3:30 pm-4:20 pm and by appointment
PDL A-420
Teaching Professor / 206-931-3779Office Hours: On Leave from Teaching 2024-2025 Academic Year
Padelford B434
Assistant Professor
jradocay@uw.eduOffice Hours: M 11:30-12:30 (in-person); W 3:30-4:30 (virtual); and by appointment
PDL B-403
Divisional Dean of Humanities
Milliman Endowed Chair in the Humanities / (206) 685-9969Divisional Dean of Humanities
Milliman Endowed Chair in the Humanities
Office Hours: By appointment
CMU 50
Undergraduate Program Coordinator, English
Office Hours: Tuesday 1:30-2:30, Thursday 10:30-11:20 or by appointment
PDL A405
Professor / 206-543-4264. As I rarely check messages on this number, it's much better to email me.Office Hours: Not teaching. Office hours by appointment. Please email.
Padelford B-431
Lockwood Professor in the Humanities / 206-779-1098Lockwood Professor in the Humanities
Office Hours: M 1:30-2:30; Tu 10-11
PDL B-409
Part-time Lecturer
dgwilson@uw.eduOffice Hours: W 2-4pm (in person); Th 8:30-10:30am (virtual)
PDL 402B
Director of the Simpson Center for the Humanities
Lockwood Professor in the Humanities / 206-543-3920Director of the Simpson Center for the Humanities
Lockwood Professor in the Humanities
Office Hours: BY Appt
COMM 206