People - Graduate Students & TAs
Graduate Student
Predoctoral Instructor
hahmadw@uw.eduPredoctoral Instructor
Graduate Student
ombrend@uw.eduOffice Hours: Monday 6-7 pm (Zoom); Tuesday 10am-12noon (PDL B25)
Graduate Student
Predoctoral Instructor
Predoctoral Instructor
Graduate Student
Predoctoral Instructor
Liaison, UW in the High School
abygailg@uw.eduPredoctoral Instructor
Liaison, UW in the High School
Graduate Student
Predoctoral Instructor
fsaber@uw.eduPredoctoral Instructor
Graduate Student
Predoctoral Instructor
arielsep@uw.eduPredoctoral Instructor
Graduate Student
Pre-doctoral Instructor
Assistant Director, Program in Writing and Rhetoric
mtexid@uw.eduPre-doctoral Instructor
Assistant Director, Program in Writing and Rhetoric
Office Hours: MW: 11am - 1pm, F: 12pm - 2pm
PDL A-11 A