Research Interests
My research interests include language and identity, medium of education, gender, intersectionality, English language teacher education, and discourse analysis with a specific focus on interview and narrative analysis. My research centers around the generation, study and analysis of oral narratives recounted within qualitative research interviews. I am especially interested in examining the intersectionalities of gender, patriarchy, social class, and linguistic educational policies in the complex, rapidly evolving, post-colonial context of India. I have studied these issues from multiple perspectives and have utilized Positioning Theory, Stance, Stylization, Membership Categorization Analysis, and Conversation Analysis as analytical lenses to examine their multi-layered complexities. I am also interested in examining issues of language teacher agency as they intersect with linguistic educational policies in post-colonial contexts.
My publications have appeared in journals such as Applied Linguistics, Applied Linguistics Review, International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Journal of Language, Identity, and Education, Multilingua, and Pragmatics and Society and in volumes for Benjamins, Caslon, Multilingual Matters, Palgrave, and Routledge. I am also the author of Professional Identity Constructions of Indian Women (Benjamins, 2016). This book is part of their series titled ‘Studies in Narrative’ which is edited by Michael Bamberg.