This study examines affective, pejorative self-categorizations in troubles-tellings vis-à-vis Hindi and English medium education of two Indian women within the institutional context of qualitative research interviews. Sequential Conversation Analysis and Membership Categorization Analysis are combined to analyze how interviewees manage emotional displays in relation to language identities and social categories. Analysis reveals that while explicitly discriminatory categorizations and self-avowals with accompanying affect-implicative resources such as laughter tokens and prosodic variation are produced by interviewees to reference themselves, this is done in the pursuit of recipient affiliation with tellers’ affective stances. Findings demonstrate that these Hindi-speaking interviewees orient to the same desire for recipient affiliation to their expressed emotional stances as has been found in monolingual and English troubles-tellings produced in interview and non-interview settings.
Negative self-categorization, stance, affect, and affiliation in autobiographical storytelling.
Sandhu, P. (2016). Negative self-categorization, stance, affect, and affiliation in autobiographical storytelling. In M. T. Prior & G. Kasper (Eds.), Talking Emotion in Multilingual Settings, (pp. 153-176). John Benjamins. (Series: Pragmatics and Beyond, edited by Anita Fetzer).