Book Chapters

Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Prihandita, Anselma Widha. “Translingualism and Transnationalism as Decolonial Recovery.” Translingual and Transnational Graduate Education in Rhetoric and Composition, edited by Nancy Bou Ayash and Carrie Byars Kilfoil , Utah State University Press, 2023. Publications, Book Chapters
Radocay, Jonathan. "Geographies of Allotment Modernisms." Routledge Handbook to North American Indigenous Modernities and Modernisms, Eds. Kirby Brown, Alana Sayers, and Stephen Ross, Routledge, 2022. Publications, Book Chapters
Wilson, J.A. & Portz, J.R. (2022). On the labor of writing transfer: Bodies and borderland discourses in translation. In K.P. Alexander, M. Davis, L.W. Mina, & R.P. Shepherd (Eds.), Multimodal composing and writing transfer. Logan, UT: Utah State UP.  Publications, Book Chapters
Sumyat Thu, Katie Malcolm, Candice, Rai, and Anis Bawarshi.  “Anti-Racist Translingual Praxis in Writing Ecologies.” Writing Across Difference: Theory and Intervention. Eds. James Rushing Daniel, Katie Malcolm, and Candice Rai. Utah State UP.  2022.    Publications, Book Chapters
Sumyat Thu, Katie Malcolm, Anis Bawarshi, and Candice Rai. “Anti-Racist Translingual Praxis in Writing Ecologies.” Writing Across Difference: Theory and Intervention. Eds. James Rushing Daniel, Katie Malcolm, and Candice Rai. Utah State UP. Forthcoming in 2022. Publications, Book Chapters
“Frictions of Doing Transnational Composition Ethnography: Voices from Serbia,Lebanon, and the U.S.” Co-authored with Brook Schreiber. Teaching andStudying Transnational Composition. Eds Christiane Donahue and Bruce Horner.The Modern Language Association of America, in press. Publications, Book Chapters
Ishii, Douglas S.  “Lateral Diasporas and Queer Adaptations in Fresh Off the Boat and The Family Law.”  Q&A: Voices from Queer Asian North America, eds. Martin Manalansan, Kale Fajardo, and Alice Hom.  Temple University Press, 2021.  72-80. Publications, Book Chapters
Sumyat Thu and Suhanthie Motha. “Transnational Agency: Enacting through Intersectionality and Transracialization.” Transnational Identities, Pedagogies, and Practices in English Language Teaching: Critical Inquiries from Diverse Practitioners. Multilingual Matters. 2021. Publications, Book Chapters
“The Trouble with Resilience.” Intimate Relations: Communicating (in) the Anthropocene. Lexington Press. 2021. Publications, Book Chapters
“The Trouble with Resilience.” Intimate Relations: Communicating (in) the Anthropocene. Lexington Press. 2021. Publications, Book Chapters
The Cantos in a Quarter.” Approaches to Teaching Ezra Pound’s Poetry and Prose, ed. Demetres Tryphonopoulos and Ira Nadel. New York: Modern Language Association, 2021. 155-64. Publications, Book Chapters
Allen, Chadwick. “Vital Earth / Vibrant Earthworks / Living Earthworks Vocabularies.” Routledge Handbook of Critical Indigenous Studies. Ed. Brendan Hokowhitu, Aileen Moreton-Robinson, Linda Tuhiwai Smith, Steve Larkin, and Chris  Andersen. London: Routledge, 2021. 215-28. Publications, Book Chapters
Walwema, J. A Values-Driven approach to technical communication. Technical Communication. Publications, Book Chapters, Edited Collections, Essays and Articles, Reviews
Anis Bawarshi and Mary Jo Reiff. “’How to Turn Accumulated Knowledge into Action’: Uptake, Public Petitions, and the Climate Change Debate.” In Genres of the Climate Debate.  Eds Sune Auken and Christel Sunesen. de Gruyter, 2021. 150-178. Publications, Book Chapters
“The Work of Mobility.” In Mobility Work in Composition: Translation, Migration, Transformation. Eds. Bruce Horner, Megan Faver Hartline, Ashanka Kumari, and Laura Sceniak Matravers. Logan: Utah State UP/University of Colorado Press, 2021. Publications, Book Chapters
Bou Ayash, Nancy. "Beyond Disciplinary Divides: Coming to Terms with the Centrality of Translation." Reconciling Translingualism and Second Language Writing edited by Tony Silva and Zhaozhe Wang, 2021. Publications, Book Chapters
Allen, Chadwick. “Charting Comparative Indigenous Traditions.” Cambridge History of Native American Literature. Ed. Melanie Benson Taylor. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. 447-64. Publications, Book Chapters
“Writing The Cow: Poetry, Activism & The Texts of Meat.” Auto/Biography Studies. 2020. (Issue republished by Routledge as a book, 2021.) Publications, Book Chapters
“Bhanu Kapil’s Schizophrene Poetics: Disability, Dispossession, and Diaspora,” Neocolonialism, Displacement, and Trauma: Engaged Criticism in Contemporary Literature, Ed. Kate Rose, Routledge Press, Feb 2020. (peer-reviewed). Publications, Book Chapters
Bou Ayash, Nancy. "Developing 'Trans-' Lingual Language Representations: Implications for Writing Pedagogy." Translingual Dispositions: The Affordances of Globalized Approaches to the Teaching of Writing. Eds. Suzanne Malley Blum, Alanna Frost, and Julia Kiernan. The WAC Clearinghouse. Publications, Book Chapters
Ishii, Douglas S.  “Asian American Movement and Asian American Literature.”  Oxford Encyclopedia of Asian American Literature & Culture.  Eds. Anita Mannur and Dorothy Wang.  Oxford University Press, 2019. Publications, Book Chapters
Charles LaPorte.  "Post-Secular English Studies and Romantic Cults of Authorship," Constructing Nineteenth-Century Religion: Literary, Historical, and Religious Studies in Dialogue, eds. Joshua King and Winter Werner.  Ohio State University Press, Literature, Religion, and Postsecular Studies Series, 2019. Publications, Book Chapters
Charles LaPorte.  "Religion and Spirituality."  The Cambridge Companion to Victorian Women's Poetry, ed. Linda K. Hughes.  Cambridge University Press, 2019. Publications, Book Chapters
Sandhu. P. (2019). English language instructors, medium of education, and professional agency: An Indian perspective. In H. Kayi-Aydar, X. Gao, E. Miller, M. Varghese & G. Vitanova (Eds.). Theorizing and Analyzing Language Teacher Agency (pp: 237-256)Bristol, UK and Blue Ridge Summit, PA, USA: Multilingual Matters. Publications, Book Chapters
“Now That’s Poetry: Vito Acconci, Conceptual Writing, and Poetic Nominalism.” Inciting Poetics: Thinking and Writing Poetry, ed. Jeanne Heuving and Tyrone Williams. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2019. 192-224. Publications, Book Chapters