Book Chapters

Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
George Dillon. “The Semiotic Art of Web Sitemaps.” Discourse Studies in Composition. Ellen Barton and Gail Stygall, eds.. Hampton Press. 2002. Publications, Book Chapters
Alys Eve Weinbaum. “Ways of Not Seeing: Engendering Modernity’s Optics in Baudelaire, Benjamin, Freud and Masereel.” D. Kazanjian and D. Eng, eds. Loss: The Politics of Mourning.   Publications, Book Chapters
Anis Bawarshi. “The Ecology of Genre.”  Ecocomposition: Theoretical and Pedagogical Approaches. Eds. Sidney I. Dobrin and Christian R. Weisser.  New York: State University of New York Press, 2001.  69-80.  Publications, Book Chapters
Anis Bawarshi. “The Ecology of Genre.” Ecocomposition: Theoretical and Pedagogical Approaches. Eds. Sidney I. Dobrin and Christian R. Weisser. State University of NY Press. (2001) 69-80. Publications, Book Chapters
John Coldewey. “Secrets of God’s Creatures: Talking Animals in Medieval Drama.” European Medieval Drama 1998 Papers from the Third International Conference on Aspects of European Medieval Drama. Vol. 3, ed. Sydney Higgins. Camerino. 2000. 215-232. Publications, Book Chapters
Gary Handwerk. “Romantic Irony.” Romantic Literary Criticism, Volume 5: Romanticism. Cambridge UP. 2000. Publications, Book Chapters
Caroline C Simpson. with Joycelyn Moody. “Chapter 20: Themes, Topics, Criticism.” American Literary Scholarship. Indiana University Press. (2000). Publications, Book Chapters
John Webster. “The Elizabethan Age Portfolio: Using Writing to Teach Shorter Elizabethan Poetry.” For Teaching Shorter Elizabethan Poetry. Patrick Cheney and Anne Prescott, eds. MLA. 2000, 145-149. Publications, Book Chapters
Miceal Vaughan. “Creating Comfortable Boundaries: Scribes, Editors, and the Invention of the Parson’s Tale.” Rewriting Chaucer: Culture, Authority, and the Idea of the Authentic Text, 1400-1602. Ed. Thomas A. Prendergast and Barbara Kline. Ohio State Press. 1999. Publications, Book Chapters
Raimonda Modiano. “Sameness or Difference? Historicist Readings of The Rime of theAncient Mariner.” S.T.Coleridge. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner. Ed. Paul Fry. Boston: Bedford Publications; Books of St. Martin’s Press. 1998. Publications, Book Chapters
Raimonda Modiano. “Unremembered Sites of Violence: The Scandal of Dahomey’s Rites of Human Sacrifice in the Debates about the Abolition of the Slave Trade in England.” Poetics of Memory. Ed. Thomas Waegenbaur. Tubingen: Stauffenburg Verlad. 1998. Publications, Book Chapters
Mark Patterson. with Priscilla Wald. “Themes, Topics, Criticism.” American Literary Scholarship: An Annual 1996. Duke University Press. 1998. Publications, Book Chapters
Gary Handwerk. “History, Trauma, and the Limits of the Liberal Imagination: William Godwin’s Historical Fiction.” Romanticism, History, and the Possibilities of Genre. Cambridge UP. 1998. Publications, Book Chapters
John Coldewey. “The Way Things (Never) Were: Spiritual Nostalgia in Medieval English Plays.” European Medieval Drama 1997: Papers from the Second International Conference on ‘Aspects of European Medieval Drama. Vol. 2, ed. Sydney Higgins. Camerino. 1997. 41-68. Publications, Book Chapters
Kathleen Woodward. “Telling Stories, Aging, Reminiscence and the Life Review.” Doreen B. Townsend Center Occasional Papers 9. Doreen B Townsend Center for the Humanities, UC Berkeley, 1997. Publications, Book Chapters
Robert Shulman. “American Writers, the Welfare State, and the Opportunity Society, 1932-1995.” Social and Secure: Politics and Culture of the Welfare State: A Comparative Inquiry. Ed. Hans Bak, Fritz von Holthoon, and Hans Krabbendam. VU University Press. 1996. Publications, Book Chapters
Kathleen Woodward. “Anger…and Anger: From Freud to Feminism.” Freud and the Passions. Ed. John O'Neill. University Park: Pennsylvania UP, 1996. 73-95. Publications, Book Chapters
Kathleen Woodward. “Tribute to the Older Woman: Psychoanalysis, Feminism, and Ageism.” Images of Aging: Cultural Representations of Later Life. Eds. Mike Featherstone and Andrew Werrick. London: Routledge, 1995. 79-96. Publications, Book Chapters
John Webster. “Challenging the Commonplace: Teaching as Conversation in Spenser’s Legend of Temperance.” Approaches to Teaching The Faerie Queene. David L. Miller, ed. MLA. 1994, 82-92. Publications, Book Chapters
Joseph Butwin. “Filiacion.” Poesia, Zona Peligrosa: Homenaje a Julio Velez. tr. and ed.. A. L. Giest. 1993. 142-146. Publications, Book Chapters
Kathleen Woodward. “Late Theory, Late Style: Loss and Renewal in Freud and Barthes.” Aging & Gender in Literature: Studies in Creativity. Eds. Anne Wyatt-Brown and Janice Rossen. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 1993. 82-101. Publications, Book Chapters
Norman Wacker. “Ezra Pound and the Visual: Notations for New Subjects in The Cantos.” Image and Ideology. David Downing and Susan Bazargan Editors. SUNY at Albany Press. 1991, pp. 85-103. Publications, Book Chapters
Chandan Reddy. “Home, Houses, Non-identity: Paris Is Burning.” Burning Down the House: Recycling Domesticity. Rosemary Marangoly George. Westview Press. 1988. Publications, Book Chapters
John Griffith. “Franklin’s Sanity and the Man behind the Masks.” The Oldest Revolutionary: Essays on Benjamin Franklin. J. A. Leo Lemay, ed.. University of Pennsylvania Press. 1976. Publications, Book Chapters
John Griffith. “Rectitude in Hemingway’s Fiction: How Rite Makes Right.” Hemingway In Our Time. Richard Astro and Jackson J. Brown, eds. Oregon State University Press. 1974, 159-174. Publications, Book Chapters