
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Meany, Alexandra Lee. Urban Removal: Post-war U.S. Multi-Ethnic Literatures and Geographies of Struggle. 2024. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Pinnata, Reuven. Totalizing Nusantara: On World Literature as Indonesian Literature. 2024. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Hankinson, Stephanie K. The Aesthetics of Catastrophe Time: Constructing Transhistorical and Artistic Archives of Disaster in Haiti and the Gulf Coast. 2023. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Gilbert, Alycia. (Re)Imagining the Nineteenth Century: Issues of Power and Process in Period Adaptation. 2023. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Postal, Caitlin. Stitching Time: Transtemporal Labor and Middle English Literature. 2022. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Poland, Matthew. The Global Migrations of George Eliot and Charles Dickens: Books, Newspapers, Archives. 2022. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Howard, Matthew. Race, Place, & Space: Historicizing Blackness & Mobility. 2022. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Hotz, Alysse Jaclyn. Diversity, Temporality, Population: The Securitization of the Democratic Pastorate and the Rise of the Racial Liberal Security State. 2022. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Hardison, Brian Christopher. Gildas’ On the Ruin of Britain: A Scribal Edition Based on the Text Preserved in Cambridge, University Library Ff.I.27. 2022. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Gehrke, Laura. The Religious Lives of Women in the Novels of George Eliot and Charlotte Mary Yonge. 2022. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Ghasedi, Sarah J. Medical Women and the Periodical Press: Sophia Jex-Blake, the Scotsman, and the Politics of Anonymity. 2021. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Dinh, Thaomi Michelle. The Politics of Care: Historical Retrieval in Vietnamese American Cultural Production. 2021. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Daud, Sumayyah. The Demarcation Zone: The Victorian Search for a Global Past. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Knapp, Caleb. They Chose Instead Revolt: Slave Narratives, Sexual Violence, and the Black Radical Tradition. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Kim, Soh Yeun. The Familial Stranger: The U.S. Adoptive Kinship and The Question of Race. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Faulkner, Sarah Emilie. Jane Porter in the Margins: Paratext in the Romantic National Novel. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Alan Williams. Queering the Transpacific: Race and Sexuality across the U.S. and Japanese Empires. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Peters, Nicole. Rereading Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Reading Cultures. 2019. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Gutierrez, Brian. A Dark Ecology of Performance : Mapping the Field of Romantic Literary Celebrity through Gothic Drama. 2017. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Shajirat, Anna. The Gothic Fantasy of History: Fear and Loss in the British Long Eighteenth Century. 2017. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Chartudomdej, Sani. Antiheroes in the "Battle of the Sexes": The Anti-Heroic Mode and a Shift in the Meaning of Hegemonic Masculinity in World War I Fiction. 2017. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Singh, Balbir. Militant Bodies: Policing Race, Religion, and Violence in the U.S. Sikh Diaspora. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Graf, Rachel. Comics Explosion: Representations of Persecution in Graphic Narrative, 1995-2015. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Martin, Christopher. Un-Editing Alfred: Rethinking Modern Editions of Pre-Modern Texts from a Post-Modern Sensibility. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Mahmoud, Rania. Fictions of Revolution: Empire and Nation in Lawrence Durrell, Naguib Mahfouz, John Wilcox, and Bahaa Taher. 2014. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations