Yim Schlotfeldt, Rachel. Speculating on the Terms of “Small, Foreign, and Female”: Reimagining the Temporality of Technology Through Asian American Cultural Production. 2022. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Asian American, Culture, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, Race and Ethnicity, Science and Technology, Science Fiction |
Ghasedi, Sarah J. Medical Women and the Periodical Press: Sophia Jex-Blake, the Scotsman, and the Politics of Anonymity. 2021. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
19th Century, Archives, Culture, Gender, History, Intellectual History, Science and Technology, Women Writers |
Savage, Phillip. 19th Century American Literary Naturalism and the Grotesque. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
19th Century, Aesthetics, American, Literature, Philosophy, Science and Technology |
Ottinger, Aaron. The Role of Geometry in Wordsworth's "Science of Feelings." 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
18th Century, Aesthetics, Affect, British, Media Studies, Philosophy, Poetry and Poetics, Romanticism, Science and Technology |
Marini, Melissa. Rocking the Boat and Sinking the Ark: The Humanist Novel as Vehicle for the Victorian Religious Crisis. 2015. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
19th Century, Ideology, Novel/Prose Fiction, Science and Technology |
Shon, Sue. Making Sense: Race and Modern Vision. 2015. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
American, Literature, Philosophy, Race and Ethnicity, Science and Technology, Visual Culture |
Miller, Megan A. Modernism’s History of the Earth. 2012. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, Modernism, Poetry and Poetics, Science and Technology |
Johnson, Jeffrey C. Anatomies of the Soul and the Self, From Galen to Romanticism. 2012. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
British, Literature, Philosophy, Romanticism, Science and Technology |
Xu, Jun. Where Knowledge Thrives: The Role of the Metaphorical in Scientific Process. 2012. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Discourse Analysis, Linguistics, Rhetorical Theory, Science and Technology |
Chang, Edmond Y. Technoqueer: Re/Con/Figuring Posthuman Narratives. 2012. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
American, Culture, Gender, Literature, New Media, Popular Culture, Queer Studies, Race and Ethnicity, Science and Technology |
Kelly, JoAnn. Embodying Agency: The Liberal Will, the Psychophysiological Individual, and Intersubjective Connections in the Victorian Novel. 2012. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
19th Century, Affect, British, Language, Literature, Novel/Prose Fiction, Psychology, Science and Technology |
Fitzgerald, Andrew. Millenial Fiction and the Emergence of Posthuman Cosmopolitanism. 2011. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
20th Century, 21st Century, Literature, Novel/Prose Fiction, Science and Technology |
Sayers, Jentery. How Text Lost Its Source: Magnetic Recording Culture. 2011. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Culture, Digital Humanities, History, Media Studies, Science and Technology |