
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Meany, Alexandra Lee. Urban Removal: Post-war U.S. Multi-Ethnic Literatures and Geographies of Struggle. 2024. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Howard, Matthew. Race, Place, & Space: Historicizing Blackness & Mobility. 2022. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Heberling, Lydia M. California Indians Dreamin': Formal and Aesthetic Innovations in Pacific Coast Native Literatures and Arts. 2021. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
De Vos, Laura M. Spirals of Transformation: Turtle Island Indigenous Social Movements and Literatures. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Smith, Alexandra V. Writing the Street: Discourses of Choice, Agency, and Mobility in Twentieth Century Street Lit. 2019. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
LeMesurier, Jennifer. Bodies that Move You: the Rhetorical Force of the Dancing Body. 2014. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Trujillo, Simon Ventura. Forgotten Pueblos: La Alianza Federal de Mercedes and the Cultural Politics of Indo-Hispano. 2013. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Gairola, Rahul Krishna. Queering Home: Neoliberal Biopolitics and Diasporic Reappropriations in the Cultural Texts of Michelle Cliff, Hanif Kureishi, Jessica Hagedorn, and Jackie Kay. 2009. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations