
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Butler, Megan. Writing the Refugee: Labelling, Literature, and the Shifting Imaginary of a Field. 2024. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Wilson, Joseph Anthony. Literacy's Displacements: Toward Transnational Orientations to Writing and/as Translation. 2023. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Koh, Eun Ji. American Han. 2023. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Sobers, Janine H. Enchanted Modernisms: Global Literary Afterlives of the Spirit, 1922–1949. 2023. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Poland, Matthew. The Global Migrations of George Eliot and Charles Dickens: Books, Newspapers, Archives. 2022. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Abella, Dan Donovan. Foreign Forms: Modernism and Anglophone Philippine Literature. 2022. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Alzaroo, Lubna. Settler Colonial Infrastructure: Necropolitics and Ecology in the U.S. and Palestine. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Kim, Soh Yeun. The Familial Stranger: The U.S. Adoptive Kinship and The Question of Race. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Thu, Sumyat. Navigating and Responding to Raciolinguistic Ideologies: Refugee and Immigrant Students' Literacy Practices Across Contexts. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Alan Williams. Queering the Transpacific: Race and Sexuality across the U.S. and Japanese Empires. 2020. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Kim, Ungsan. Cruising the Cityscape: Queer Temporality in Contemporary East Asian Cinema. 2019. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Mukherjee, Sharmila. Shakespeare and the Colonial Encounter in India in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Escalera, Gibran. 1848 Beyond the 19th Century: Border Fictions, Peripheral Modernities. 2015. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Patterson, Christopher. Transitive Cultures: Anglophone Literature in Malaya, the Philippines and Asian America. 2014. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Chetty, Raj. Race Fundamentalism: Caribbean Theater and the Challenge to Black Diaspora. 2013. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Percinkova-Patton, Irena. Toast to Morrison: The Trickster Paradigm in African American Literature. 2013. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Trujillo, Simon Ventura. Forgotten Pueblos: La Alianza Federal de Mercedes and the Cultural Politics of Indo-Hispano. 2013. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Zhang, Yifan. Asian American Forms: From Realism to Modernism. 2012. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Rounsaville, Angela R. Figuring Transnational Literacies: Rhetorical Negotiations in a Global Paradigm. 2010. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Gairola, Rahul Krishna. Queering Home: Neoliberal Biopolitics and Diasporic Reappropriations in the Cultural Texts of Michelle Cliff, Hanif Kureishi, Jessica Hagedorn, and Jackie Kay. 2009. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations