
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Campbell, Lillian. Simulating Nursing: Rhetoric, Materiality, and Disciplinary Learning. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Graf, Rachel. Comics Explosion: Representations of Persecution in Graphic Narrative, 1995-2015. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Laynor, Gregory. The Making of Intermedia: John Cage to Yoko Ono, 1952-1972. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Lim, Tae Yun. Female Exiles in Language: Reading for New Poetic Subjects in Modern and Contemporary Feminist Experimental Poetry. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Martin, Christopher. Un-Editing Alfred: Rethinking Modern Editions of Pre-Modern Texts from a Post-Modern Sensibility. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Mukherjee, Sharmila. Shakespeare and the Colonial Encounter in India in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Sackschewsky, Leisl. Orientations in Time: Music and the Construction of Historical Narrative in 20th and 21st Century African-American Literature. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Simons, Barbara. Tracing Hybrid Collectives of Illness, War, and Medicine in Twentieth- and Twenty-First Century Narratives of Illness. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Ottinger, Aaron. The Role of Geometry in Wordsworth's "Science of Feelings." 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Romero, Yasmine. Intersectionality in the Language and Writing Classroom. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Fukunaga, Sunao. Implementing English Education Policy in Japan: Intersubjectivity at the Micro-, Meso-, and Macrolevels. 2016. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Zygutis, Linda. Critic, Reader, Fan: Modernism and Textual Poaching in H.D., Mina Loy and Gertrude Stein. 2015. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Magnusson, Danielle. Reading the Household: Towards an Economic and Textual Understanding of Early English Drama. 2015. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Zuo, Wei. Exploring Academic Socialization and Identity of Chinese Undergraduate Students in the U.S. 2015. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Marini, Melissa. Rocking the Boat and Sinking the Ark: The Humanist Novel as Vehicle for the Victorian Religious Crisis. 2015. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Mitchler, Sharon. Towards Using Critical Rural Pedagogy with Rural Community College Students in Undergraduate American Literature Classes. 2015. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Calavitta, John Paul. California: State of Light. 2015. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Moore, Sarah Kathryn. "Beste of bon and blod": Embodiment in Middle English Lyric. 2015. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Campbell, Jessica A. Tradition and Transformation: Fairy Tales in the Victorian Novel. 2015. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Shon, Sue. Making Sense: Race and Modern Vision. 2015. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Canton, Jessica. Classical Gothic: The Aristotelian Experience in the Gothic Reading Process. 2015. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Escalera, Gibran. 1848 Beyond the 19th Century: Border Fictions, Peripheral Modernities. 2015. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Warrior, Carol E. Baring the Windigo's Teeth: The Fearsome Figure in Native American Narratives. 2015. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Zinchuk, Jennifer E. Tracing Pedagogical Memory: The Role of Teaching Metacognition and Learning Concepts in Student Writing Development. 2015. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations
Mahmoud, Rania. Fictions of Revolution: Empire and Nation in Lawrence Durrell, Naguib Mahfouz, John Wilcox, and Bahaa Taher. 2014. University of Washington, PhD dissertation. Graduate, Dissertations